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by (4.2k points)
BACKDOOR ROTH QUESTION: Guys, could use some help from anyone who has done this before. Due to a year-end bonus expected in Nov 2020, I'll be close to the Roth limits next year. I wanted to just do a Backdoor Roth early in 2020 with cash on hand using the method specified here: . PROBLEM: My tax accountant has me nervous. He's REALLY good at everything we've thrown his way, but on this issue he has told me I need to either sit in cash all year or dump that money into a regular taxable account and just wait til tax time the next year to see where my income was actually at for 2020. I don't understand why I would do that when I could just Backdoor Roth it early in the year and let those investments grow tax-free in the Roth all year rather than waiting. Can someone tell me what I'm missing here? Am I only eligible to run the backdoor method if I'm for SURE over the income limits?  
BACKDOOR ROTH QUESTION: Guys, could use some help from anyone who has done this before.

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