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by (140 points)
I wanted to put $ into a Vanguard retirement fund. I am assuming it is better to have it within my Roth IRA Brokerage account vs the normal investing brokerage account, but I am not sure. Also, I was wondering, is it better to put all my investments (ETF, mutual funds) into the IRA rather than having them just out in the normal account where capital gains tax applies (how I understand it)? Does that depend based on the stock or fund, and/or depends if I plan on selling before I'm the eligible age to take out of it? I have no experience with non-Robo investing; only experience is with Betterment, which I still use, and some Robinhood (a few years ago). Most of what I know is from LMM podcasts, reading, and the internet.  
I wanted to put $ into a Vanguard retirement fund.

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