+8 votes
by (210 points)
The last 3.  5-4 years have been very rough on our family.The last 3. 5-4 years have been very rough on our family. From my husband getting laid off, changing jobs, having to take time off work for at the time our very sick son, medical bills, surgeries, 2 car payments. Things piled up and fast. I'm a stay at home mom because childcare is so expensive we cant afford it. While on hard times we fell onto the trap of using credit cards, and taking out multiple loans to help us get by. We'll we started falling so far behind we had to stop making payments because had been to choose to have food or make payments. A credit card is suing me so we are making payments on that monthly, but we still have about 4-5 other credit cards maxed out and charged off, and probably 4-5 loans. We have no saving or emergency fund saved up either. Each month we end up going negative. Right now we are -$800 in the hole. My husband is working 12 hours shifts 6 days a week. We are slowly coming up out of the the hole but where do we begin? We've cut back on everything we could, cut back on the grocery budget, changed car insurances so it's cheaper. We have to have two cars due to my husband working and having two kids I need a way to get them to the doctors and school. We're wanting to use tax money to start trying to pay some stuff off and down while also setting aside a emergency fund. Where do we start with paying?  
The last 3.5-4 years have been very rough on our family.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (150 points)
Just a few quick ideas - Sell the cars with loans against them if possible and buy cheaper vehicles. Could you take your husband to work and have one vehicle for a short period of time? Try to find a side hustle for yourself so you can contribute financially while being home with yours kids. I’m not recommending an MLM if that is outside your interests. Try babysitting or using your talents for income. Best of luck to you!  
0 votes
by (150 points)
Have you tried a debt consolidation company? I work with one and they've been really helpful in managing the the debts that I have had including medical bills and credit card bills and stuff like that period if you want their name I would be more than happy to give it to you!  
by (110 points)
@negligee392 do they work with one's in collections?  
by (150 points)
Yes! Send me a PM!  
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