+8 votes
by (930 points)
Just trying to keep up with all phases of reopening and such- when would day cares (home daycares) be open again? I have been home for almost three months so not even sure if they all closed but it would probably be time to start looking again.  
Just trying to keep up with all phases of reopening and such- when would day cares (home daycares) b

7 Answers

+10 votes
by (1.7k points)
Best answer
We're in Phase 3 or will be on the 29th. And child cares open in phase 4 to nom essential employees which should be end of June.  
+9 votes
by (1.2k points)
Sent pm
+6 votes
by (3.9k points)
My child has been going to daycare the whole time.  
+8 votes
by (3.3k points)
I got a message this week that our daycare is reopening June 8.  
+8 votes
by (6.9k points)
My kids daycare is opening June 8. They have that emergency license though. Phase 4 is all daycares.  
+3 votes
by (2k points)
My daycare opens up limited on june 1st, less kids etc. For essential working parents only. Phase 4 they would open up fully to everyone.  
0 votes
by (12.6k points)
At this time children that have all parents/guardians working outside the home can have their child use an emergency care center for essential care workers. The state is all in phase 2 right now, we should move to phase 3 end of next week. Phase 3 has more places opening up with restrictions and again, childcares can be open for kids that have all parents/guardians that work outside the home. Daycares will NOT have their licenses back though. Essential care is done on a different license for centers with a max of 10 kids per room, 50 per center and other restrictions. Homes have the option to open unlicensed but we do not have our licenses back and are therefore considered license exempt and have a max of 6 kids allowed. In phase 4 schools and daycares will be open with restrictions, we are assuming we will get our licenses back during that phase but that is not confirmed.  
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