+3 votes
by (180 points)
Is there a way to record live feed all the time with the battery operated indoor cameras so I can go back and see footage? Thank you!  
Is there a way to record live feed all the time with the battery operated indoor cameras so I can go

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (1.7k points)
Best answer
There is no way to record 24/7 as of now. The cameras will only record on motion, plus the snapshot feature if you have it active on your account (it is a slow roll out, not everyone may have it active). If you don't pay the subscription, you have no history; with a subscription, you get 60 days of that recorded history. Ring announced 24/7 recording for the wired devices as a future feature (and extra cost) last year, but it still hasn't come to fruition and nothing has ever been said about 24/7 with a battery device. I know it's not what you were hoping for, but hopefully it helps answer the question.  
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