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by (170 points)
So today is payday and it's the 1st check with my new job on it. In the past, I just took my hourly wage x hours worked and that's what I budgeted for. Well, I decided to wait for this check so I have a better ball park figure to go off of and start February on the right foot. Later, I opened a letter from PayPal to find that someone opened a PayPal credit card with my SSN, different address, phone and email AND racked up $1500! I am so livid! I called PayPal and reported it and they are investigating but it's so violating to have your identity compromised! I spent the afternoon at the bank and on the phone with the credit bureaus to put alerts if another LOC was opened in my name. I feel like I can't get ahead these days! Between breaking my foot, starting a new job and tracking expensive, I just can't win right now. I know it will get better but it's so hard right now. Can I quit being an adult? Lol!  
So today is payday and it's the 1st check with my new job on it.

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