+86 votes
by (480 points)
Hey guys I just started WW yesterday. Yes know there are more than one drinks beside water that we can drink can I get some options from you all?  
Hey guys I just started WW yesterday.

63 Answers

+7 votes
by (1.9k points)
Diet sodas, putting the flavor packets in water helps .  
+21 votes
by (1.6k points)
Sugar free cordials
+7 votes
by (480 points)
It's water, but flavored water LA Crorx
+39 votes
by (1.8k points)
Unsweetened ice tea, coffee, crystal lite, are you asking for adult drinks too?  
by (1.8k points)
@masters87921 oh absolutely yes
+34 votes
by (3.1k points)
Fizzy water like bubbly
0 votes
by (300 points)
I drink the Bubly waters. Green tea with a packet of country time lemonade.  
+23 votes
by (480 points)
We started something recently we really like. We use no additive natural juices (the kids) as sweetener. So a splash of apple juice, orange juice, or lime juice to unsweet tea or water.  
+38 votes
by (620 points)
ICE all flavor drinks and the cherry limeade and mandarin is so yummy!  
+25 votes
by (540 points)
I was horrible at drinking water. But I knew I had to start drinking more of it on WW. I squeeze half of a lemon in my thermoflask water container and then fill it up with water and ice. I love it now and that’s pretty much all I drink. I used to have Coke everyday. And when I’m craving a soda (hate diet sodas) I got myself used to Coke Zero. Tastes way better than Diet Coke and close to regular Coke.  
+17 votes
by (510 points)
I buy the flavored waters, don't find them that bad
+40 votes
by (560 points)
Dr. Pepper 10 in only 1 point per can
+5 votes
by (1.8k points)
That Bubly and LaCroix is nasty as hell. My opinion. I'm a coffee drinker. I measure and make it at home most days. I drink simply orange light on occasion And v8 energy drinks on occasion
by (1.8k points)
@masters87921 they are 3 points for the V8. I'm on green so I'm cool with it. They are sooooo good. And it's natural energy
by (1.8k points)
@masters87921 good look on this journey!  
+44 votes
by (8.7k points)
Lemon/lime sparkling water frm Asda 0points that’s what I drink  
+31 votes
by (450 points)
I drink the Crystal Light mixes!  
+24 votes
by (1.3k points)
Crystal light, diet soda, diet juice.  
+39 votes
by (11.8k points)
+2 votes
by (450 points)
Bubly - cherry flavor.  
+32 votes
by (630 points)
I drink gold peak diet tea, every now and then
+28 votes
by (600 points)
Unsweetened iced tea, flavored sparkling water, and diet Pepsi or diet Dr Pepper on occassion
+27 votes
by (5.7k points)
Bubly, Blackberry, Strawberry, Pineapple. Love them all. So much better than The Hint Waters.  
+9 votes
by (590 points)
A&W diet root beer occasionally is awesome.  
+3 votes
by (6.7k points)
I like Gold Peak diet ice tea and also Crystal light lemonade. I am not a water drinker. Over lousy 15 pounds since Christmas.  
+8 votes
by (11.4k points)
I drink plan water most of the time, sometimes i will have unsweeten ice tea. i have recently (2 months now) i have stopped drinking any diet sodas or things that contain artificial sweeteners. i do on an occasion will use natural truvia, but that is my choice not telling anyone else that's what they have to do. i must admits tho i feel much better. good luck and i'm sure you will be loving the ww program
+38 votes
by (880 points)
Zevia ginger ale is good
+40 votes
by (660 points)
Loaded question. you are gonna get lectured about drinking anything with "chemicals"
+2 votes
by (940 points)
I drink Water and bai drinks.  
+8 votes
by (3k points)
I like all sparkling waters!  
+2 votes
by (540 points)
I'm not sure how you would measure points for this but I used to put just a splash or two of juice into ice water. Something sweet with something sour usually works well.  
+29 votes
by (18.6k points)
Coffee, tea, diet soda, Wylers SF Lemonade, Ocean Spray Diet 5 juice.  
+8 votes
by (1.8k points)
Add fruit to your water
+9 votes
by (670 points)
Crytal light
0 votes
by (1.7k points)
Propel, sparkling ice, vitamin water zero
+33 votes
by (2.5k points)
I add Pomegranate juice 1/4 to filtered Water. Also, Herbal Tea, Mint with Almond milk and Chamomile.  
+30 votes
by (840 points)
That’s the best
+50 votes
by (4.8k points)
The brand ICE water carbonated and all diff flavors
+4 votes
by (970 points)
Love ICE, especially when i freeze it, makes a slush, even better, my fav, Black Raspberry
+33 votes
by (520 points)
I can only find the diet ginger ale with lemonade, and it’s not always easy
+12 votes
by (1.8k points)
I love Ice! I haven’t come across a flavor that I didn’t like.  
+42 votes
by (12.8k points)
Bai drinks, taste great, low points, all natural.  
+23 votes
by (500 points)
@chronic63005 lite, and all the above.  
+46 votes
by (1.3k points)
Stur. You add it in drops natural. Very good.  
+20 votes
by (1.3k points)
Green Tea with Stevia or Monk Fruit
+44 votes
by (2.3k points)
Diet Coke, hot tea, iced tea
+29 votes
by (1.2k points)
Bottle of Ice is good
+36 votes
by (1.8k points)
I like Hint
0 votes
by (1.2k points)
I drink sparkling water. many fruit flavors and NO chemicals! Many brands to choose from. LaCroix, Zephyrhills, Bubbly. etc! Read the labels
+4 votes
by (1.1k points)
Diet Canada Dry ginger ale
+7 votes
by (720 points)
Are Gt kombuchas okay?  
+30 votes
by (1.1k points)
I love Sprite Zero
+13 votes
by (5.6k points)
Zero vitamin waters. I brew a pot of tea and make my own unsweetened ice tea. I also drink seltzer and club soda with lime and crushed mint leaves
+46 votes
by (4.3k points)
Read the labels. My husband was addicted to Zero water. There are a lot of vitamin B vitamins in them. Too much Vitamin B can be toxic. You won't feel it. Both me and hubby had routine blood work that included vitamin B and we were both toxic.  
+27 votes
by (870 points)
I like diet ginger beer
+50 votes
by (400 points)
This is my downfall. soda. I’m addicted! I now drink diet dr. Pepper.  
by (3.2k points)
@cocaine my favorite
+18 votes
by (420 points)
I tried the cirkul flavors with water. I really like it. The flavors last for about a week.  
+1 vote
by (4.8k points)
Vitamin water zero. Sometimes when I think I’m hungry, I’ll drink a hot tea and then I realize I wasn’t really hungry. Or if Im out go through a drive through I order a large diet and not fast food. It holds me over until I can get something healthier at home. (I still haven’t eliminated caffeine )
+14 votes
by (490 points)
Fresca! crystal lite
+45 votes
by (1.7k points)
@chronic63005 light peach tea
+41 votes
by (1.7k points)
DO NOT DRINK diet or zero as everyone is mentioning what their “go-to” drink is. If you have a pop you are better off drinking regular since it’s real sugar that is not tricking your body. Diet pops and zeros have chemicals in them, that are false sugars and in return you actually drink more quickly and then your body RETAINS that you don’t loose weight as fast as you actually should. This was told to me by my Doctor and a Nutrionist.  
+39 votes
by (8.5k points)
Ice tea
+12 votes
by (1.6k points)
Green tea
+50 votes
by (400 points)
If you drink @chronic63005/activity" class="qa-user-link">chronic63005 Light, make sure you are buying the @chronic63005/activity" class="qa-user-link">chronic63005 Light pure. It is sweetened with Stevia and doesn’t have the effects on your body that other artificial sweaters do.  
+17 votes
by (400 points)
Plain Ice Tea.  
+40 votes
by (500 points)
Besides water, I enjoy hot water with the juice of 1/2 lemon and fresh grated ginger (which I keep in the freezer).  
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