+18 votes
by (420 points)
Hey guys.  during that time of the month are numbers off?Hey guys. during that time of the month are numbers off? Today's weigh in I gained 1lb. how do you know it's hormones vs life?  
Hey guys.  during that time of the month are numbers off?

13 Answers

+18 votes
by (980 points)
Best answer
Yes! I read a few articles that say the average woman can be up 2-6, yes six pounds during their cycle. The best thing to do, is stay consistent with tracking your weight. That helps me understand my biology and then I don’t sweat when I’m up at that time. If you have an iPhone the health app can help track your cycle too.  
+12 votes
by (71.6k points)
It's both. Perfectly normal.  
+11 votes
by (2.3k points)
Yes—- I hate that
+17 votes
by (1.3k points)
Even after menopause, I realized I was on a *6*-week cycle. I could eat the exact same things week 5 AN@pervious week 6, and engage in almost identical activity. I gained weight week 6. The next week it would slacken back off.  
+12 votes
by (2.3k points)
Yes i am always 3lbs heavier when on my cycle!  
+15 votes
by (370 points)
Yes, just happened to me last week. . It sure does mess with your head!  
+17 votes
by (9.2k points)
Water retention more than likely. Try to stay away from sodium but keep drinking your water. It’ll come out with a vengeance. Whoosh effect.  
+10 votes
by (1.9k points)
Yep every time!  
+11 votes
by (3.4k points)
Mine are! Every time!  
+14 votes
by (27.2k points)
I learned my pattern quickly and I expected a gain every 3 weeks.  
+12 votes
by (16.1k points)
I used to go up a few then.  
+16 votes
by (8k points)
It’s not really a gain. Just Aunt flow and her baggage but she’s not staying. Lol
+13 votes
by (45.9k points)
Its part of the factory design for the female body
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