+4 votes
by (160 points)
Ok, new to this.  I have been reading, researching, etc.Ok, new to this. I have been reading, researching, etc. about the keto diet. First and foremost, I suffer from anxiety, depression. The weight has really packed on this past year. My goal is 80 lbs. I'm 5'2 and started weigh in at 221 on Monday. Currently, I'm down 6 lbs. My question is, I have read so many bad things on ketones in the urine. I bought test strip and I have been in constant ketosis measuring in the large 80- 160 zone. Is this ok? I quit eating at 6pm and don't eat again till after noon the following day. I feel fine, but I start getting anxious thinking I might be doing something wrong, to much to fast. Is this safe the way my ketones are measuring and being this high all day? I'm hoping my mind is getting the best of me.  
Ok, new to this.  I have been reading, researching, etc.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (170 points)
Good luck! You can do this! ♡
+1 vote
by (240 points)
I suffer from bad anxiety and keto has helped my mental health so much.  
0 votes
by (530 points)
Yes it's safe. I do OMAD Keto with some 48hr fasts 2-3 times a month. I have anxiety issues and nothing has ever helped it as much as keto. The test strips are great for the first month or so. After that your ketosis won't even show up on it. That's when I bought a KetoMojo blood meter.  
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