+3 votes
by (2.4k points)
(Longish post) Hoping someone can help me sort this out: March is my 3rd month of using the workbook. I tried January and February but they were such a mess because I was trying to do it all cashless, I scratched them as budgeting months. We decided to do cash envelopes for the categories we spend the most in and are the likely ones for our overspending. Neither my husband or I are comfortable with keeping our sinking funds in cash in our house. Since we don’t get any paycheck money until the 5th, I figured the easiest way to begin the month was to do a short March 1-5 budget using our checking account balance. To make it accurate, I made sure every transaction we did in February was deducted from our checking account balance. We had about $250 from sinking funds in there too, so I subtracted that out as well. The remaining amount was what I used to budget for the bills due March 1-5 and our envelopes. I budgeted to $0. Since this is the first time we are pulling out a decent amount of cash, I wanted to be sure I had enough left for bills. So I took the same account balance I budgeted from, subtracted out the cash and new sinking fund amounts. Then I added up the bills that will get paid and it was more than what was left in the account. I cannot figure out the discrepancy at all. I recalculated the budget page, the account balance, the cash and new sinking funds, the bill total, and those numbers come up the same over and over. Anyone have any suggestions?  
(Longish post) Hoping someone can help me sort this out: March is my 3rd month of using the workbook

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (4k points)
Without seeing the actual numbers it sounds like you dont have enough money to full fund your sinking funds for this week. I'd say take the current actual balance -$250 (allocated to last month sinking funds. With that number - bills from 3/1-3/5= remaining balance. With that number I would allocate towards sinking funds. I hope this helps
0 votes
by (11.1k points)
I would start with subtracting your bills first and then move to figuring out your envelopes and sinking funds. It might not be as much as you’d like it to be but also remember you aren’t working with a normal paycheck for this small period
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