+9 votes
by (240 points)
Has anyone ran into many bills in one check that there wasn’t enough for sinkings funds and had to skip? Did that throw off your goal? Newbie here!  
Has anyone ran into many bills in one check that there wasn’t enough for sinkings funds and had to

7 Answers

+10 votes
by (4k points)
Best answer
For the most part, my sinking funds are what I want to have, not need to have. Exceptions are mostly around my car: insurance, license registration, plates, etc. My other sinking funds are things like clothing, vacations, subscriptions, etc. If something else needs to be paid, the sinking funds don't get paid that month. Note: when I figure my sinking fund allocations, e. g., Christmas gifts, I do my math so I'm fully funded by October. That way I'm giving myself a little runway in case I didn't contribute one month earlier in the year - I still won't fall short.  
+10 votes
by (420 points)
I haven't personally, but I've seen people call and ask for the due date of some bills be changed.  
+6 votes
by (2.4k points)
Your first few months will always fluctuate
+8 votes
by (1.5k points)
I changed dates to my bills so they are even for both checks.  
+10 votes
by (23.6k points)
Nope. When we started, we didn't have room for sinking funds. So I got a side hustle and we stuck to our budget and now we have plenty for sinking funds each month. It takes time and dedication, but you can do it!  
+7 votes
by (4.2k points)
Yes, some bills have a long enough grace period we are able to make it work. This is where the calendar comes in, so you can see that it’s going to happen ahead of time and prepare. Whether you save up or you call to explain to the company that you plan to pay on x date instead.  
+8 votes
by (1.2k points)
We have an “ideal” amount for each envelope and sinking fund. Then we also have a “bare bones” list that we follow if one pay period comes up short for some reason. It’s less stressful for me if we have the scaled back (or omitted completely if needed) amounts and funds agreed upon. We also discussed and compromised on what things are most important in the scaled back weeks. This works for us; you’ll find what works best for you if you keep with the system! Good luck!  
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