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by (1.4k points)
Hi everyone.  Quick little win for me.Hi everyone. Quick little win for me. I made a career change and moved back in with my parents this last year. In this time I have paid of 3 of 5 credit cards. I am projected to pay off a 4th one at the end of this month. I did have to unfortunately buy a new car during my journey as mine was stolen. But I could really use advice. Once my 4th card is paid off I have my last CC which is roughly 5k, 15k car payment and 100k in student loans. Would you take your car payment and CC at once spliting any extra money evenly between the two? Or snow ball? Pay off the 5k, then the 15k, then work on student loans? *Disclaimer* My ex husband had an obligation on the car that was stolen so the remaining amount he owes of roughly $4k will go towards the car note. & my job pays 384 on my student loans every 2 weeks for the next 3 years. Other than that I really want to buy a house in the next 2 years, but I am the worst at using extra money wisely.  
Hi everyone.  Quick little win for me.

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