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by (4.2k points)
Help!  We are due to have a baby in about 6 months and have finally gotten to the point that I think we can save about $200/month (more in the summer).Help! We are due to have a baby in about 6 months and have finally gotten to the point that I think we can save about $200/month (more in the summer). I will be out of work for a couple of months when the baby comes so I want to have a good safety net and have made saving a priority as well as paying off a remainder of a credit card with 0% interest until May. I just had to get my car fixed last week after an accident and my deductible is $500, which had to go on a CC. This feels like a major setback for me and I need to figure out how to approach this new debt. -I have a personal loan at a little over $5, 000 left, 15. 5% with a $335/mo minimum -CC with small amount left is at around $700- 0% until the end of May, minimum is $30/mo - CC with new payment for car repairs is now at $850- 24% Our savings is only at $200 right now because we just decided to start saving instead of putting everything towards debt. What do we do? (My hubby has a set income every month which goes to rent and his bills, and mine is under $1, 000/ mo, about $600 on average until summer)
Help!  We are due to have a baby in about 6 months and have finally gotten to the point that I think

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