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by (3.6k points)
My 11 year old son looses EVERYTHING. I haven’t been ready for him to have a phone yet so I got him a gizmopal. For $5/month I can call/text him, gps track him, set alerts so I know when he’s arrived at school and home, and he can call/text people I’ve preapproved. Now he’s lost the damn thing and wants a cell phone but I’m super against it and thinking about maybe getting a landline again. They are so expensive and I don’t trust that he won’t loose it (I mean how do you loose a watch that’s attached to your person?! ) His sister got a cell phone at this age and her face has been glued to it ever since! Or maybe I could activate an old basic phone and just get a prepay service. I just need something to be able to get ahold of him for the little amount of time he’s home by himself and for him to call 911 if necessary. Curious to any cheap options others use for their kids besides a cell phone, I really don’t want another bill.  
My 11 year old son looses EVERYTHING.

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