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by (2.1k points)
Anyone else have this problem? Got my tax return back. I went through and planned very hard to get thing me and my two kids needed. As well as pay ahead on a few things and the rest to pay off a few debts. I know I wouldnt be right on with amounts so I over budget (never a bad thing to do). I go to the store already having a panic attack. By the time im walking up to the counter I'm sweating so bad and freaking out. I was ready to jump out of my skin. I got everything I had planned on and price was exactly where I thought it would be. I was excited for once I knew my debit card would go through, but all the way home I had to tell my self it was stuff we needed and planned for. But I had to convince my self not turn around and return it all. My anxiety is killing me when it comes to money. I'm still new to this program and I'm slowly getting on board when my anxiety doesnt jump in and mess it all up  
Anyone else have this problem?

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