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by (2.1k points)
I need vehicle advice ! So right now I own a 2012 Mini Cooper clubman . My monthly payment is $180 and I pay $165 in insurance. Since September my alternator has went out 4 times , and while I was driving yesterday my car started acting weird , almost like it was miss firing. I’m taking it to get a diagnostic on Monday but here’s my question . If it’s an expensive fix should I just trade it in for a new car ? With a new car (I’d be looking in the $15k-$20k range) I would at least have a warranty on the vehicle and would most likely not have nearly as many problems . But my payment would be closer to $300 a month and my insurance might go up . I’m torn because on one hand I love my Mini Cooper but at this point I can’t afford to keep fixing it . On the other if I trade it in , I still owe like $5k on it so I’ll be upside down , but hopefully will have a vehicle that doesn’t break down every month . It’s a very hard decision because I don’t make that much money , but I don’t want another used vehicle if I do trade it in because I need that warranty .  
I need vehicle advice !

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