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by (1.6k points)
Long rant to follow: So today was the first check that I actually started to budget w. Murphy’s law also decided this would be a great day to visit. 1) Woke up this morning to my dog throwing up in bed. Again . (Not unusual for her) I’ve already switched her to a sensitive food but amazon kept sending the wrong probiotic that didn’t have pumpkin in it, so her tummy has not been happy. Since my refund hit, I decided it was worth it to just buy the more expensive $30 probiotic to see if that helps. I don’t know how much more my washer can take and I need to LAST another year at least. 2) So, I’ve been seeing a new therapist for about a month now with this week being my 4th or 5th time. Day 1 I asked what my co-pay would be and was told $30. Every time I’ve gone, they’ve charged me $30. I got a bill in the mail for $50 and asked them about it Tuesday. They first got all pissy at my therapist saying she changed me from insurance to personal pay and that’s why I owed $50 (I understand her frustration but she was pretty unprofessional but whatevs). So I finally get a hold of billing and they said no, your co-pay is $40 not $30 and you didn’t pay on Feb 20 (I did and my credit card says so). Y’all. they said my balance is E I G H T Y dollars. . Guys . I had to breathe and stay the Christian I know I am. So I call the office back and the chick gets huffy with me like “well I have to look into it Tuesday because Mondays and Fridays are too busy. ” I’m sorry, how is any of this my fault? I definitely remember asking “$30 not $40? ” My therapist is great as long as you don’t make her do anything with a computer besides put notes in. But um. depending on how this phone call goes on Tuesday when I call back, I may be finding a new place. Now that I know how bad my credit cards are, I do not have time to be playin with my money, honey.  
Long rant to follow: So today was the first check that I actually started to budget w.

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