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by (180 points)
So we've been In a USDA rural development mutual self help program. Basically for the last two years we have been spending 35hours a week building ours, and our neighbors homes to have no down-payment and a 1% interest on our mortgage. We are 55k in debt between vehicals and student loans and cc. Monthly income is 5-5300 1k in emergency fund Monthly bills are right now 3100 and about to go up by another 200ish when we move into our home and take on the mortgage. When we started the program we had less debt but I hit a huge slow patch in my business last summer that required us to use credit for an emergency. And we had our second baby in November. I run two businesses and my second one started bringing in an extra $500 a month. It's been amazing. Both have a 90+% profit margin. But I can't decide if I should use that first or second 500 to put towards unforseen expenses with our new home for after we move in(utility difference, moving expenses, unforseen etc) Or if I should use it to chip away at debt right away? Note to add we are both working as hard as possible. Hubs is doing 80+ hour work weeks between work and the house. And I'm working two part time stay at home businesses. We are moving everything ourselves so no paying towards movers. Just pizza and drinks for friends lol
So we've been In a USDA rural development mutual self help program.

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