+2 votes
by (2k points)
When you start a debt savings account to pay off your debt when do you decide to use? When you have enough to pay off one card/debt? At the end of every month? At the end of the year you pay off all you can with what you saved?  
When you start a debt savings account to pay off your debt when do you decide to use?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1.5k points)
Best answer
Yeah, I personally save up cash if it's from selling items in my home or something like that, til there is about fifty or $100 then I deposit and pay towards my debt. I also have any side gigs direct deposited and I pay it as soon as it is deposited. I don't want to risk letting my bad habits take any money from debt.  
+1 vote
by (820 points)
Unless the creditor has a limit on the number of payments you can make, you should just put it directly to the debt. There’s no reason to save it up.  
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