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by (1.6k points)
I started the BBP workbook in January 2020, definitely a change to go from swipe to cash envelopes. although I didnt do to bad I kept going over my budget (obsessed really‍♀️) kept trying to figure it out and then Miko did a readers finances on Instagram and I thought the way she set it up was great so I kinda did the same and redid my budget. I'm a 42 year old single mom of 3, struggled for years but somehow made it. never had saving or an emer fund just lived paycheck to paycheck until I found TMB . I did not include child support or overtime into my budget since neither is guaranteed so as I recieve them I'll add them to that week but wanted a foundation to cover the basic necessities. How are you working your budgets?  
I started the BBP workbook in January 2020, definitely a change to go from swipe to cash envelopes.

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