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Need some encouragement.  Started my journey with TBM in January and started cash envelopes last paycheck on 2-7-20.Need some encouragement. Started my journey with TBM in January and started cash envelopes last paycheck on 2-7-20. I have been feeling good about things. but I’m still swiping my card for purchases at target and what not. and also racking up cc debt on things I just don’t need! (Clothes for my 2-year-old daughter) ‍♀️ How did you impulse shoppers curb the habit? Amazon is so easy (I deleted the app this am) and I had my CC saved on my Apple Pay(deleted this morning) so it made things sooooo easy. I need help! I was doing well and then I spent hundreds over two days! Ughhhh I’m so angry at myself.  
Need some encouragement.  Started my journey with TBM in January and started cash envelopes last pay

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