+63 votes
by (1k points)
Hi !  Does anyone know how can I clean that glue without damaging the cabinet door please?Hi ! Does anyone know how can I clean that glue without damaging the cabinet door please? I had tried The Pink Stuff but it was still so hard to remove that I ended up scratching one door. Thanks.  
Hi !  Does anyone know how can I clean that glue without damaging the cabinet door please?

57 Answers

+15 votes
by (910 points)
Best answer
I used my hair drier. The heat helps to remove it easily.  
+10 votes
by (1.2k points)
Sticky stuff remover amazon sell it x
+29 votes
by (580 points)
Try cooking oil
+45 votes
by (670 points)
Try mayonnaise
+7 votes
by (920 points)
Goo Gone
+10 votes
by (640 points)
Acetone nail polish remover
+35 votes
by (15.2k points)
Soak a sponge in coke then rub with that
+1 vote
by (410 points)
Prep wash. best stuff out
+32 votes
by (660 points)
Is it a high gloss door?  
by (1k points)
@russophobe no  
+43 votes
by (1.1k points)
Sticky stuff
+39 votes
by (760 points)
Hairdryer to heat the adhesive up
+31 votes
by (560 points)
Zoflora or perfume I used x
+31 votes
by (1.1k points)
Oil either cooking or baby
+14 votes
by (1.2k points)
Wd40 or Mayonnaise, the oil acts against the glue.  
+26 votes
by (2.9k points)
Sticky stuff remover
+14 votes
by (610 points)
Goo Gone - look on amazon. It leaves no residue, is not abrasive and smells really nice. Just give it a gentle rub with a soft cloth over the sticky bit.  
+14 votes
by (6.3k points)
I use Sticky Stuff Remover, it's brilliant
+29 votes
by (1.5k points)
I've used wd40
+17 votes
by (1.3k points)
Baby oil
+40 votes
by (1.3k points)
Vegetable oil
+23 votes
by (590 points)
Lighter fluid strange I know but works a bloody dream obviously wash down well afterwards xx
+42 votes
by (630 points)
Sticky stuff remover
+41 votes
by (580 points)
Wd40 or nail varnish remover which does the same as the sticky stuff remover
+1 vote
by (3.2k points)
Mayonnaise works really well. Just leave on a few minutes and it will wipe away easily
+2 votes
by (5.7k points)
Warm hair dryer and a scraper as close as possible to base and then acetone to get sticky off.  
+35 votes
by (2k points)
Window safety scraper
+10 votes
by (590 points)
Sunflower oil
+17 votes
by (2.1k points)
Steam x
+30 votes
by (900 points)
Soak a cotton pad in white spirit and tape it over the sticky patch. Leave for half hour then wipe.  
+1 vote
by (420 points)
Mayonnaise, I couldn't believe how well it worked on Gorilla Tape that was stuck to a window. Put it on liberally, leave it for a good half an hour, I had to reapply and I left it overnight, the stickiness just came away the next morning
+1 vote
by (4.7k points)
Desolve it sticky stuff remover
+42 votes
by (630 points)
Furniture polish removes sticky stuff. Just spray it on and leave for few mins then wipe. Might need to repeat but it’s perfect as won’t damage surfaces.  
+39 votes
by (4k points)
Wd40 spray on and leave to soak for a minute and then should start coming off when you wipe it
+40 votes
by (1.3k points)
Mayonnaise or furniture polish might help soak it off for you
+18 votes
by (1.3k points)
Hair dryer, soften the glue and wipes away
+30 votes
by (730 points)
Sticky stuff remover or oil
+12 votes
by (2k points)
Wd40 or mayonaise x
+8 votes
by (3.3k points)
Spray with 50 parts water 50 parts Smirnoff
+17 votes
by (6.7k points)
Sticky Stuff remover.  
+29 votes
by (600 points)
Try spraying wd40 leave for 24 hours will just wipe away
+38 votes
by (450 points)
Lighter fluid lol, that's what I use to get any left over stickers off that haven't peeled, my dad always done it  
+24 votes
by (1k points)
Something oily or oil based.  
+38 votes
by (1k points)
Thank you everyone, I will start with what I have at home first. Will put some mayonnaise as it just at hand. If doesn’t work I go for the w40 and if still doesn’t work hair dryer is the alternative  I’m keeping the other suggestions as I have lots of those to clear off  
+22 votes
by (510 points)
Olive oil. Put on a paper towel and hold over the adhesive. Wipe and repeat.  
+24 votes
by (460 points)
Baby oil x
+58 votes
by (400 points)
Hair spray?  
+21 votes
by (920 points)
Wd40 sprayed on it and rub off
+11 votes
by (400 points)
WD40 or furniture polish
+49 votes
by (1.4k points)
Polish or shoe protectors
+18 votes
by (3.7k points)
Use a hair dryer to loosen the adhesive and it should just pick off.  
+38 votes
by (1.9k points)
Soak it with furniture polish and keep repeating until it’s all wiped off.  
+19 votes
by (1k points)
Just an update. The mayonnaise was there a full day and didn’t remove much. So today I tried the w40 already thinking of the next option but it actually worked! I had to still rubber with a knife a bit and finish with my finger but I don’t have a single scratch and it’s all out  THANK YOU EVERYONE X
+15 votes
by (360 points)
Try soaking with nail varnish remover then scraping softly x
+55 votes
by (1.1k points)
Soak with hot soapy water, use a wallpaper scraper, then use WD-40 to get remaining sticky stuff off
+21 votes
by (2.4k points)
With this scrubber. PM if interested
by (1k points)
@goldfinch9595 thank you but it’s already done with w40  
+25 votes
by (2.4k points)
With this scrubber. This is glue on the wall. PM if interested
+1 vote
by (8.6k points)
Wd40 or Elbow grease spray and a scrubby sponge
by (1k points)
@agamete77124 thank you. I done it now . Used the WD40
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