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by (120 points)
Question for those working with brands that have an eCommerce website, popular Amazon listings, a presence across eTailer sites and retail availability. How do you differentiate and increase the percentage of direct website sales when product listings are slightly higher cost than Amazon, the majority of positive reviews are found on Amazon and shipping is not offered through Prime? (Note: this is a nutritional supplement and marketing direct benefits is not possible due to regulations. Therefore, not all reviews can be published on the website. ) I always split-test numerous audiences: LLs, Geographic, Broad, Warm, etc and multiple creatives before launching campaigns. I'll often find a winning audience and creative during the split-test, but once that ad unleashes to a larger audience. these numbers go down fairly quickly. The most success I've seen has been through educational videos optimized for views. I've observed spikes in sales after these video ads run, however it's tough to show that FB is where they first became brand aware. Curious as to what strategies have worked best for you and if the challenges I'm facing are typical - or if perhaps I need to look deeper into the ways I'm targeting. Thank you so much!  
Question for those working with brands that have an eCommerce website, popular Amazon listings, a pr

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