+67 votes
by (530 points)
What’s the BEST FB Tip you’ve ever gotten?  
What’s the BEST FB Tip you’ve ever gotten?

35 Answers

+63 votes
by (2.6k points)
Best answer
Test in PPE before CONVERSION. Delete old campaigns.  
by (390 points)
@asa8 I think I figured it out, but it appears that you can only see overall campaign performance. When I tried to look at the ad sets or ads in a deleted campaign I don't see any.  
by (2.6k points)
Hi @collard You can see everything. You switch on deleted campaigns Then switch on deleted ad sets Then deleted ads. I do it regularly, no issue at all.  
by (2k points)
@asa8 Disagreed amigo, the creative is going to be optimized for engagement and then you switch that for conversions and you create a mess, the only thing that is good about it is the social proof on the creative!  
by (2.6k points)
That's cool @odum4344 - I'm sure it doesn't work for everyone. Works great for me, so it's worth others giving it a try if they are looking for alternative strategies. It's not about conversions, it's about testing engagement.  
by (2k points)
+59 votes
by (990 points)
The suggestion to use automated rules - game changer
by (390 points)
@lifegiving What are they please?  
by (990 points)
@marrow To create an automated rule for all active campaigns, ad sets, or ads, open Facebook Ads Manager and click the menu icon (with the three lines) in the top-left corner. In the pop-up menu, hover over All Tools and then select Automated Rules under the Create & Manage column.  
by (690 points)
What kind of general rules (for scaling) would you recommend, just basics to test them out
by (990 points)
@baud6 ROAS below 1. 5 turn off adset ROAS above ? % increase budget to ? % - (those ? % increases will depend on your ability to scale)
by (690 points)
Is it that simple or are there better rules to use too, speaking in terms of e-com
by (990 points)
@baud6 I’m not an expect by any stretch. My best advice to you would be to test different AR’s to see what works best for you.  
+65 votes
by (840 points)
Avoid “Gurus”
by (560 points)
@ulrikeulster couldn’t disagree more
by (410 points)
@ulrikeulster hmmm. so where did you get better advice, from a “Facebook Marketing for Dummies” book? Personally, I learned most from legit “gurus” who started from the bottom and who do $20M-$50M a year.  
by (840 points)
@hesitancy exactly my point, “Legit” There’s way too many fake people on the platform. Every Guru says that they started from the bottom which is complete rubbish.  
by (560 points)
@hesitancy exactly - if it wasn’t for paying for courses and events starting back with Dan Kennedy - fuck I don’t know where I’d be .  
+53 votes
by (680 points)
Don’t eat yellow snow
by (2.6k points)
That's just a good tip in general
+65 votes
by (2.2k points)
Actually, analytics feature to create custom audiences. Chase, thank you for sharing this with us.  
by (990 points)
@impressionist5752 HA! Didn’t know about that one. - thanks!  
by (990 points)
@photo thanks man!  
by (2.2k points)
Greg. well you can exclude people who bounce off page right away. This is quite good, to have people who actually engage with your page. And only them. At the same time, you may re-target these people. It just brings you more control. That's it.  
by (2.2k points)
Greg, it helps me to use lower objective like reach to "laser target" people. And yes, I did get good CTR with reach objective. So it kinda works.  
by (1.2k points)
What do you mean?  
by (400 points)
@impressionist5752 Where can I learn to do that?  
by (2.2k points)
Hey Liosbel! Start with Facebook thread  
by (400 points)
@impressionist5752 Thank you!  
+52 votes
by (630 points)
Go offline!  
by (530 points)
@please98910 but only after you know what to do with it online  ( Personally failed )
+65 votes
by (640 points)
Do not open your website with WIX (which I actually did it before the advice, it turns out that this platform is not good for retail business.  
by (530 points)
@acnode7 Almost created mine on that platform.  
by (640 points)
@baud6 extremely slow
by (420 points)
Search any marketing group for Wix and you'll get an avalanche of feedback on why you shouldn't build your site in Wix.  
by (690 points)
Fair enough, just looking for talking points as why to stay away.  
by (900 points)
I am trying to get away from wix. It is extremely heavy and slow. It's easy to edit but run any kind of benchmark test on it and it performs very badly. You can spend all you want to drive traffic to your webpage but after a couple seconds of waiting for it to load no one's going to wait and they are going to click away and your throwing money away. find some simple system like clickfunnels or something that pops up instantly. It's the only way to do it
+37 votes
by (1.1k points)
@reflex Offutt Lukas Moldawsky
+61 votes
by (1.3k points)
1$ a day video ads
by (530 points)
Can you please explain more :) Thank you!  
by (1.3k points)
Yes, With 1$ a day video view ads Facebook is forced to find the best possible person that is going to watch 100% of your video. As we all know video views are super cheap less than 10 cents a view. With this strategy, you are getting your clients to consume content and building up your RT pixel. A customer that has watched 75% or more of your video and content is much more likely to buy than a customer that has viewed a sales ad and has no connection to your product. It is cheaper and creates a quality customer then just running conversion ads.  
by (8k points)
@taraxacum a person that watches 100 percent of a video is the type of person that watches 100 percent of a video. People that engage with posts engage with posts. People that click links click links. People that wait to let a landing page load wait for landing pages to load. People that convert to a purchase convert to purchases. Video is How that person likes to consume content not How Likely it is that they will purchase something.  
by (1.3k points)
@ader748 Thanksgart Have you tested my strategy for yourself or is this just an assumption?  
by (8k points)
@taraxacum I yes I have experienced it, I’m pretty big into video creation/advertising.  
by (2.2k points)
. but you don't need to optimize for video views. You can optimize for purchases and use video in your ad. So you "capture" pool of people Facebook considers as a potential buyers. In most cases, a buyer will watch video before. buying.  
by (2.2k points)
@gensmer744 you get more people recorded this way. If you have a good video, and you throw good offer - you also get sales. If you get sales, traffic becomes cheaper - you send right signals to Facebook, and it rewards you. It depends.  
+57 votes
by (1.9k points)
Test everything :)
+50 votes
by (2k points)
Giveaways are a great way to increase engagement and lower cost per click to we site. As long as there truly interested in your product and your not just giving a random thing away.  
+47 votes
by (980 points)
Delete your account.  
+58 votes
by (650 points)
Dont do complicated stuff until simple works.  
+58 votes
by (890 points)
Learn to break even while testing.  
by (890 points)
The more experience you have the faster you will get to profitability so it's really just an experience thing. But, I will say that it's best to keep initial tests as cheap as possible, then once you become profitable scale the testing with dozens or hundreds of small tweaks that build off of wins so that you don't really lose but you actually end up testing into everything possible in a short amount of time.  
by (530 points)
@viol7 Thank you  
+64 votes
by (2.8k points)
Understand that there are dramatically different tactics for different budget levels.  
by (530 points)
@tyrrell Can you please describe it in a couple of words? Thank you!  
by (2.8k points)
If you spend under $200/day, you need to keep things pretty simple. Generally speaking, it takes a bigger budget to support a full funnel program.  
by (530 points)
+64 votes
by (1.4k points)
Not all FB accounts are created equal
by (530 points)
@gerald/activity" class="qa-user-link">gerald @gerald/activity" class="qa-user-link">gerald what differences do you used to see ? Thank you!  
by (1.4k points)
I do lead gen and I find some accounts can get profitable faster than other ones
by (530 points)
by (420 points)
@gerald I wonder why that is
by (390 points)
@gerald agree with you
by (400 points)
@gerald do you get accounts shut down at a certain spend?  
+52 votes
by (1k points)
Stop wasting money, if you cant be profitable with 100$ you probably wont with a million either
+58 votes
by (2.4k points)
ROAS doesn't buy Christmas presents.  
+57 votes
by (1.2k points)
That it’s not about gaming the FB platform or little tricks, it’s really about being good at marketing and understanding the fundamentals of marketing. Solving people’s needs and understanding how to appeal to their desires.  
by (2k points)
@arms7206 this  really none of the media buying “tactics” really start paying off until you’re doing it at scale.  
by (1.2k points)
@peng923 yeah, definitely. Those tactics of course have a place and can make a difference but people get so caught up in them and distracted by them they forget the more simple things that really build the foundation for good marketing. I so often see ads running that are so “blah” because they haven’t taken the time to create real customer profiles and really speak to them and so everything just gets lost in the noise.  
+61 votes
by (1.2k points)
Start with warm audiences first
by (530 points)
@campbellite Interesting, can you please explain a little bit how to can we START with warm audiences  Thank you!  
by (890 points)
Super important. The warmer the better.  
by (1.2k points)
@valentinavalentine start with these audiences (if they are relevant for the product/service being sold) 1) email list 2) website visitors 3) FB page likes 4) FB page engagement 5) ig page engagement 6) app users 7) FB friends Even if you just stay at $2 a day, there are the best people to target.  
+54 votes
by (650 points)
“Get off Facebook”
+60 votes
by (630 points)
Wait for the campaign to learn before adding budget
+20 votes
by (640 points)
How do you remove audience overlaps across multiple campaigns if you are using similar audiences?  
+65 votes
by (970 points)
Google or youtube. Stay away from groups. People there is awful. Few exceptions.  
+43 votes
by (2.5k points)
Don’t listen to Facebook. Run your own tests.  
+59 votes
by (2.7k points)
Take control of your ads. Decide în what you spent money
+62 votes
by (640 points)
Make sure that your multiple pixels and any digital tracking are correctly set in place; meaning if you have a website, place the FB, Google AdWords, Google Remarketing, Snapchat (if it applies), LinkedIn Insight, Twitter, etc pixels in a Google Tag Manager. Verify that they all work and make sure you set up your UTMs to track the revenue or whatever KPIs you have of individual ad creatives.  
+53 votes
by (660 points)
I said fuck marketing and moved on. I dont like studying how people think. it was really depressing me
+62 votes
by (640 points)
Facebook TIPs: Mark Zuckerberg don't care how rich / poor you're . He will take all of it  
by (640 points)
Don't except FB ads can create any profits to you . But it do profits to you, indirect way .  
+51 votes
by (750 points)
Always test, There is no magic FB hacks
+41 votes
by (650 points)
To unfollow as many people as possible
+64 votes
by (820 points)
To not to use fb ads.  
+64 votes
by (770 points)
Facebook is just a tool, without a solid brand or backend your ads won't do anything. If you want to run good Facebook ads make sure those things are in place first.  
by (400 points)
@noel20862 facts
+25 votes
by (1.2k points)
The $0, 34 refund for the Audience Network fuckups.  
+50 votes
by (360 points)
Don't follow gurus
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