+4 votes
by (1k points)
Scottish gardeners?  How are you getting on with planning your gardens?Scottish gardeners? How are you getting on with planning your gardens? We haven't even had snow yet so I've been putting it off. Also anyone feeling a bit overwhelmed with companion planting? Our cabbages/broccoli looked great but we're actually crawling with white cabbage butterfly larvae (I think) and we have such a huge slug/snail problem. We don't want to use slug pellets and copper tape didn't seem to help at at. And birds got a lot of the strawberrys. Trying to be more prepared this year and hoping to make some fruit cages and use netting to try protect and marigolds and nasturtium to distract the little slitherers lol. Then I start thinking about what veg grows well next to each other and in what soil (We have clay soil but we have seemed to get some decent compost this year in our compost bin that we can use). Our veg patch is smallish. About 2m by 1. 5m and we have 4/5 large boxes/raised beds and 4 mini plastic greenhouse (secured to a fence and have survived the Scottish weather well). Hoping to start getting the garden cleared up and ready for the coming months today. Am I too late for summer bulb planting? We start a lot of seeds indoors and harden them off so hoping to sow some today which will be on a sunny indoors window. So many questions and ideas but just feel overwhelmed lol. Xxx
Scottish gardeners?  How are you getting on with planning your gardens?

3 Answers

+6 votes
by (590 points)
Best answer
I'm oot in the garden today too  it's too nice to stay in. I am zero help with information but you know if you need an extra pair of hands I'm there if you need it  
by (1k points)
@blasphemous we've sowed a load of flowers and veg and sunflowers to keep inside atm. I need to cut my grass and take the doggy doo  I might chance it on a high setting, then I can get started digging over the veg patch and seeing what I can save from last year x
by (590 points)
I got everything done just before the rain came! Can't wait for the sun to come back so I can overhaul the whole bloody things again  
+2 votes
by (13.6k points)
I'm in the cold NEEngland and I cover my earth now with fleece so it warms up quicker. I plant sugar snaps in March as they take the cold. I start lettuce off now so it had a good strength when I transplanted it. Chard also germinate in March. Last year I used nematodes for the slugs and it was quite effective. The ground has to be warm enough but have a look at that. Also Kings seeds have a fair number of cold weather veg that do well for me, that are well described in their catalogue. In the flower stakes I go for Penstemons and asters which stand the autumn well, and keep the colour. If you choose Penstemons with narrow leaves, they stand the cold. Look at Garnet and Firebird.  
+5 votes
by (1.1k points)
I can't even get across my garden right now so I just have to look from afar and admire everyone else's just now!  
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