+78 votes
by (770 points)
Could I see pictures of your front gardens please? Thank you in advance.  
Could I see pictures of your front gardens please?

22 Answers

+74 votes
by (770 points)
Best answer
Thank you everyone. This is my garden at the moment. Wanting to get rid of the stones/pebbles. Would like to grass it and to have something I can keep on top of. I'm rubbish with ideas.  
by (300 points)
@lael0 you could rake the stones to one side and replace the underlay(forgot what it’s called ) then put the stones back onto it. maybe a nice tree in a funky pot in the middle? Pull the weeds out and paint the fence it’ll look great and it’ll be cheaper than turfing and you won’t ever have to cut it or do anything with it then. Besides pull out the odd weed If you need any help you know where I am, I love gardening  
by (770 points)
We can't keep on top of the weeds  we've only managed to move a few of the stones. We don't do gardening  can only manage to cut the back garden. Would love to have it grassed and maybe flowers around the edge and maybe a tree or something in the middle  xx
by (300 points)
I know they are a pain ain’t they! The underlay under your stones has probably deteriorated that’s why they’re coming through! Grass would look lovely xo
by (770 points)
Oh tell me about it. It needs more colour. It's embarrassing. Looks like a tip  xx
+41 votes
by (1.2k points)
Wow front garden  
+71 votes
by (510 points)
It is a working progress, using wood chip to make the garden more dog friendly. It is a big learning curve for me and my partner as neither of us have been big into gardening before. But I love looking at the pictures of the garden when we first moved in.  
+65 votes
by (1.8k points)
Low maintenance is my middle name  
+46 votes
by (850 points)
Working progress
+75 votes
by (560 points)
I had a very tiny front garden. But I managed to transform it. I hate it now I love  pictures of NOW on the comments
+77 votes
by (880 points)
No. it's a bloody tip, but the backs all good
+72 votes
by (510 points)
This was early summer last year, first year planted. All waking up now much fuller, lots of self set seedlings which was the plan. All cottage planting for wildlife to enjoy and me to enjoy the plants and the wildlife (apart from the bees that keep attacking me at the mo
+54 votes
by (1.6k points)
Love your garden @theodoratheodore xx
+65 votes
by (540 points)
I've got one like that.  
+57 votes
by (870 points)
You won’t wanna see a picture of mine. It was nice when I moved in.  
+48 votes
by (770 points)
From the front steps
+77 votes
by (770 points)
From the front gate
+59 votes
by (540 points)
This is how the council have left if disable access
+70 votes
by (530 points)
With a baby escape artist lol!  
by (1.2k points)
@toothsome like it like it xx
+68 votes
by (550 points)
We now have a big Easter bonnet on the laurel in our front garden thats made with rubbish ‍♀️ why not it’s Easter  
by (1.2k points)
@nikolas great idea xx
by (1.2k points)
@nikolas love it xx
by (550 points)
@jobe623 thank you.  
+61 votes
by (2k points)
I’ve not long moved in but hoping to do allotments
+78 votes
by (540 points)
Rainy day
+74 votes
by (1.1k points)
Here's mine. Not to everyone's taste but we love it. We can't have a fence but a lucky enough to be over looking a green.  
+67 votes
by (620 points)
I have lots of there garden & am missing being there so much. They are both self isolating due to there age.  
+65 votes
by (1.7k points)
2 days before lockdown!  
+70 votes
by (540 points)
Ooooer missus  
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