+4 votes
by (860 points)
Hi everyone.  My rhubarb has a seed pod?Hi everyone. My rhubarb has a seed pod? Just wondering what I'm supposed to do with it. Cut it off leave it be? Can you plant the seeds and grow more? Thanks for reading
Hi everyone.  My rhubarb has a seed pod?

4 Answers

+5 votes
by (570 points)
Best answer
I don't think one flower would make seeds, although if you have 2 flowering they might make seeds. Mine flowered last year and I let it but didn't pick the stems so it could get more energy for this year. I have more rhubarb than I know what to do with though.  
+3 votes
by (450 points)
I cut mine off
+7 votes
by (2.8k points)
Pull it off right down at the base . You need to water it more. It’s panicking thinking it going to die lol. In the autumnal dig it up and divide .  
+3 votes
by (720 points)
Cut it off.  
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