+4 votes
by (160 points)
Alright.  stupid question and I'm drawing a blank.Alright. stupid question and I'm drawing a blank. How do I ONLY show my ads when the search term includes "reviews"? There are thousands of keyword phrases related to my vertical, but instead of creating thousands of neverending negative keywords. I only want related search terms to show when it includes the keyword "reviews". Suggestions?  
Alright.  stupid question and I'm drawing a blank.

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (4.2k points)
As Exact match is no longer exact, you basically can't. Let's say it can mostly show when "reviews" is searched, but not only
0 votes
by (7.1k points)
Make sure to use that in your keywords, either broad match modified, phrase or exact. With Google’s new “close variant” you’re not guaranteed to only show for that term, nor always show when someone searches for something with reviews, it depends on your ad rank. Stay on top of negatives to ensure you weed out alternative phrases you’re showing for
+4 votes
by (12.2k points)
Can’t be done.  
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