+12 votes
by (520 points)
Hi!  What are everyone’s thoughts on managing campaigns for companies in the same industry and same location (state)?Hi! What are everyone’s thoughts on managing campaigns for companies in the same industry and same location (state)? They would be competitors online but not at their brick and mortar stores. thanks so much!  
Hi!  What are everyone’s thoughts on managing campaigns for companies in the same industry and sam

12 Answers

+11 votes
by (29.2k points)
Best answer
Look at it this way. our clients usually rank in the top of their digital market. Let's say another manager in our company is equally "as good" as I am at management, and they represent a competing client. We can absolutely wreck total havoc in that entire market, while driving the costs up for both of our clients. Professionally and personally I think it is a bad idea.  
+8 votes
by (3.4k points)
There are several school of thoughts on this but my belief is that if you offer exclusivity and up charge for it, then you work with only one client in the same niche/geographic area. If not, work with anyone that makes sense to you to work with.  
+10 votes
by (3.1k points)
I always offer exclusivity to an agreed radius, once I have had two people running similar businesses near by who knew eachother and both were fine with it but that's rare.  
+6 votes
by (370 points)
If you’re competing for the same audience, area, or keywords with multiple clients then it is completely unethical if they are even remotely competitors in any way.  
+6 votes
by (29.2k points)
We do not represent competing companies. Period.  
+9 votes
by (1.8k points)
Unethical. A few extra bucks today is not worth your reputation tomorrow. Keep in mind this is if they are competing against each other in the same radius.  
+7 votes
by (390 points)
Hahaha hilarious! Do it! Your that good you have agencies hitting you up to do it because they can't. Use that. Are agencies not selling their courses/funnels/blueprints 24/7? Your just taking the next step in the value ladder of THEIR VERY OWN which is getting them to do your marketing for you. So do it. Just do it well.  
+11 votes
by (4.2k points)
I don’t sign on direct competitors. Too much conflict of interest.  
+9 votes
by (6.6k points)
I avoid it
+2 votes
by (5k points)
It's tricky for all the reasons above. But if you don't do it, someone else will and it would push up costs anyway. If you did do it you could at least guarantee no brand bidding etc. But again, it is a tricky one
+10 votes
by (520 points)
Thank so much to everyone who responded.  
+12 votes
by (7.4k points)
Be completely open with the new client about it and offer to open talks between them when it comes to location or keyword targeting. It is in nobodies interest to drive each other's costs up, regardless of who is managing accounts for them. I have had this work multiple times with direct competitors because they both benefit by not targeting exactly the same things.  
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