+3 votes
by (640 points)
I've got a very high shopping campaign CTR (Around 5%) with a pretty low ATC rate (and zero conversions so far). I don't believe it is a branding issue nor a product description one as I've got conversions with other products within industry benchmarks. Could this be a pricing problem? Search terms. are. relevant too
I've got a very high shopping campaign CTR (Around 5%) with a pretty low ATC rate (and zero conversi

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (16.1k points)
Checkout issue?  
by (640 points)
@raynell9 well for that specific product (single product shopping campaign) the problem starts at the Add to Cart funnel stage (checkout is working fine)
+3 votes
by (9.1k points)
Check pricing (maybe too high), make sure that you don't have any trash search terms that create misunderstandings (free, test, trial) and also check if everything works (do some test purchases)
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