+3 votes
by (1.8k points)
Got your ads disapproved for malicious software / adware? Please contact me, I am writing a piece about the topic, with possible solutions and ways to find out exactly what is causing these problems. Thanks!  
Got your ads disapproved for malicious software / adware?

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (1.5k points)
Best answer
Generally this is cause by: Software embedded in the webpage which behaves suspiciously Link on the page to another page or site with the same Broken code on the site causing it to mis-behave If you are sure none of the above applied resubmit for review if that doesn’t work go through chat they can raise a ticket with the ads approval team that will come back with what they have seen that is causing the issue
by (1.8k points)
I am aware of that;) thanks. thing is that i've never heard google or facebook actually indicating which software or plugin being the cause of the disapproval
by (1.5k points)
@genitor4 if you raise it as I have mentioned they can but it does come down to how hard your rep pushes for an answer
by (1.8k points)
Thanks. appreiciate the feedback
+1 vote
by (1.4k points)
Or base64 code injection
+2 votes
by (1.8k points)
I just published a post about facebook ads account - the one about adwords will be obviously different, but if you run on fb, this might give some hints  
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