+3 votes
by (26.9k points)
Day 28 new you new year newbie #tips #lessons Low carb/dirty. Clean/strict/true keto. Lazy/not tracking keto So much confusion on this subject. Hope this clears it up! Kim puts it real simple for ya!  If you are not doing clean, (watching ingredients, not just counting carbs) you are eating low carb only. Which CAN put you in ketosis but it is not health focused like keto is. Please care about the ingredients, it is for your health! You get healthy to lose weight not the other way around!  So many people get the state of ketosis and the Keto diet confused. Ketosis can happen even on a low carb diet. How ever Keto is health focused and you can not be keto and not watching what you put in your mouth. Ingredients then Macros. ITM MATTER!  Lazy is not recommended when you fist start out, a loose track is at least needed.  Please drop me a comment if this sinks in. We are standing by to help wit any questions as well.  
Day 28 new you new year newbie #tips #lessons Low carb/dirty.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (3.8k points)
Thanks, @logan! I always liked Kim's explanations of things
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