+1 vote
by (240 points)
It’s never to late to start, like many people here I looked at post people were posting about SpeedKeto for months. All their success stories and photos. The things I told myself were it’s a scam, the pictures were fake, why do I have to pay for something I can research myself on the internet etc. Each week passed the postings continued and all these people were loosing weight. I however was still trying to research how to do Keto the right way, spending money on “Keto” pills and powders and it was consuming my life. I finally decided to just buy it what the heck I spend way more on all these pills and my scale is not going down. Best decision ever I am almost to goal weight Everything was planned out for me I just followed it. Only regret not starting sooner. #SpeedKeto
It’s never to late to start, like many people here I looked at post people were posting about Spee

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