+19 votes
by (3.1k points)
Moms, those who have have successful delivered VBAC. I have a question- which week did you go into labor? The reason in am asking is : I had a emergency c-section with my first, my OBGY with DMG day- they would like to schedule a c-section at 39 weeks. They would not wait beyond 39 weeks to see if I would go into labor on my own. is this the normal practice?  
Moms, those who have have successful delivered VBAC.

14 Answers

+3 votes
by (2.7k points)
Best answer
There's a lot of info out there about how detrimental early delivery can be to both mom and baby. That said, it is considered "normal" practice, which is unfortunate, but it is ingrained into a lot of docs. I had 2 VBACs, one at 40 weeks, and one where I was induced at 41 weeks.  
by (3.1k points)
@pamplona thank you. as per my OBGY would not induce me.  
+12 votes
by (730 points)
You should join the Chicago ICAN Chapter. I also recommend you look into another provider. 39 weeks scheduled section is not ideal if you are trying for a VBAC.  
+16 votes
by (2.4k points)
No VBAC but 3 c section and I’m a nurse. The thought is after 39 weeks baby is bigger the risk of uterine rupture after a c section is higher. That’s the reasoning. I was super high risk I was never a candidate to try
+17 votes
by (1.4k points)
I have had three c-sections. First one was emergency and second two were scheduled. The scheduled ones were at 39 weeks. It’s common practice to do so. If you are planning to do a VBAC, that would have been decided from the beginning between you and your doctor and a c-section wouldn’t be scheduled for you. From my experience, the doctors with DMG don’t do VBACS (I could be wrong ).  
by (200 points)
There are several OB groups within DMG. It may depend on the particular practice - mine certainly encouraged trying for a VBAC and I had a successful one in 2018. It was something we talked about but it wasn’t decided until the last minute. They had me schedule a c-section after the completion of 39 weeks to secure a spot (OR schedule was full so it was going to be on 39+2) but I went into labor a few days before). As the nurse below stated, the risk of uterine rupture is higher after 40 weeks ). I was also told I wouldn’t be induced to start labor but if labor had stalled they could consider doing a small dose to see if it would help move it along.  
+6 votes
by (3.9k points)
Doctors at DMG do VBACS. I have had two csections (#1 breech and #2 no signs of labor close to 41 weeks - plus she was big). I am pregnant with my third and DMG Downers Grove is going to let me try to VBAC but suggest somewhere between 39 -40 weeks. Definitely talk to your provider about your concerns.  
by (570 points)
@bolus which dg dmg dr or all of them are comfortable?  
by (3.9k points)
I used to see Dr. Mitchell as my primary, but she recently left. I’m not sure where each of them stand on it. My last visit was with Dr. Winter, and she is open to it. They all definitely keep your risk factors mind. I have loved every doctor I have seen there over the past five years!  
by (180 points)
I delivered 3 of my babies with Dr Patsavas within that practice (most recently was 2 weeks ago) and she is wonderful. I ended up with 4 c sections (my choice) but that practice was very open to VBAC if that’s what I wanted.  
+8 votes
by (5.1k points)
It depends on each individual's health condition and also the baby's condition too. I had VBAC with Dupage doctor on my 40th week. Based upon the risk category you fall into they decide it
+18 votes
by (3.5k points)
They wanted to schedule me at 39 weeks and I said no they agreed to let me go until 40 weeks and that week I thought I was progressing so I fought with the doctor to let me go until almost 42 weeks and I never went into labor ‍♀️ so had a c-section anyway ‍♀️‍♀️ DMG will not induce you for a VBAC as least all of the doctors I had wouldn’t
+15 votes
by (1.2k points)
I was induced at 38 weeks and had a successful VBAC. If it hadn’t been for my high blood pressure, they weren’t going to induce until I was 40 weeks & 1 day. No plans of a c-section though because my 1st one was planned, not emergency.  
by (1.2k points)
I went through AMITA though, not DMG.  
0 votes
by (2.8k points)
First birth was unplanned c section because he was breech. The second and third were not c sections. All 3 were one week early with no intervention. Don't do a c- section if its not necessary. Just my opinion
+1 vote
by (5.6k points)
Are they willing to let you have a VBAC? Do they feel you are a candidate? I had 2 VBACs
by (3.1k points)
@hayott Beste they will let me try or wait until 39 weeks. but will not induce.  
+13 votes
by (2k points)
This does not sound like a practice that is very supportive of having VBACs. I believe that going into labor naturally leads to a higher chance of a successful VBAC. If they won’t allow that, then at least see if they’ll induce you for a chance to have a VBAC vs. going right to a c-section.  
by (3.1k points)
@fivefold3 they have made it very clear that they will not induce, but will wait until 39 weeks . not sure what’s the protocol. we lived in a different suburb when I had our first. not sure if changing OB is option which so much going on
+15 votes
by (3.9k points)
Not normal at all. I’d highly recommend traveling to OMG midwife practice in Hinsdale - they have the highest VBAC success rate in the state (and lowest C-section rate). Always check providers stats! I changed to them at 32 weeks because of this and had an amazing experience.  
by (5.6k points)
@tom4548 west suburban woman’s health?  
+5 votes
by (1.1k points)
Whoever your doctor is, they are not following evidence based best practices. As an RN and childbirth educator, I've research this in depth. And the current studies conclude that it's SAFER to give a women with up to 2 previous c sections a trial of labor and early induction is NOT necessary! I'd change providers.  
by (2.5k points)
I think it is wrong to make such a broad statement. You do not know her medical details. Size and location of incision, size of previous baby, history of GD, Scar tissue, fibroids, position of placenta, etc, etc, are all factors that taken as a whole may justify the recommendation to not allow Her to attempt a VBAC after 39 weeks. BAD advice to recommend a change of providers for a person on Facebook that you know nothing about. BAD ADVICE
by (2.5k points)
Medicine is NOT one size fits all
+10 votes
by (420 points)
I had a successful VBAC at 39 weeks and 3 days
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