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by (560 points)
Update: you all are amazing a kind. Will def phone first! Takin my dog to the vet today and gonna make the phone calls try Costco. I told my kids when people went TP crazy that it might have to be the new “allowance” if you all do not conserve. They were gonna work for it or wash their butts in the shower  Hahahaha. They actually listened and conserved, shocking I know! Only 2 girls in the house so part of the less tp use for the fam. Hey everyone so while I have a Costco membership I don’t go super often. But I’m an ER nurse and literally have not been inside a store since March 1st! So actually need TP because I have not bought since I got “the big pack” in January for a household of 5. Has the Naperville Costco been in stock? It is a 40 min ride each way and don’t want to waste my time. All stores in my area always out.  
Update: you all are amazing a kind.

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