+72 votes
by (1k points)
Hi all, do you think a two year old is too young for Disney? Do you think she will remember going?!  
Hi all, do you think a two year old is too young for Disney?

55 Answers

+56 votes
by (1.7k points)
Best answer
She won’t remember but you’ll remember the joy and excitement on her face, and trust me, it’s priceless!  
by (990 points)
@floats Geraci Conroy you couldn’t have said this any better! We took my son to Disneyland last year. He was a little under 2 years old and his excitement was priceless. I’d do it again without any regret
by (6.4k points)
Came to say the same thing
by (900 points)
Agree! 2. 5 is my favorite Disney age.  
+38 votes
by (910 points)
No, she isn’t too young. Even if she doesn’t remember, you will.  
+39 votes
by (1.2k points)
She won't remember going, but she will have a blast and you will have wonderful memories.  
+55 votes
by (830 points)
My 18 month old has been twice. Go! It’s the best at any age.  
+56 votes
by (2.7k points)
We took our 2 year old and he loved meeting Mickey. I don’t think it’s too early for them to enjoy. If she likes characters, I think she’d have a great time!  
+47 votes
by (910 points)
This is such a personal choice question . No it is not too young to watch your child happy and cherish those memories FOR FREE mind you lol . I have taken my son twice at 11 months and 2 years and it was amazing to watch both times im about to take him again right before 3 cuz thats when u have to start paying for tickets lol . Good luck  
+54 votes
by (1k points)
She will have the time of her life for sure! We used @cortes is an amazing planner if you need one.  
by (640 points)
@gitagitel50 thanks. And 2 year olds are free at Disney world.  
+53 votes
by (1.5k points)
I have 3 kids (different ages) and they all have been to Disney at the age of 2. They had a great time and they love looking back at the photos.  
+56 votes
by (950 points)
I waited until my youngest was in Kinder. He was 6 and my oldest had just turned 10. it was worth it. They can ride all the rides, walk around with out being carried or needing a stroller.  
+47 votes
by (8.2k points)
2 years old is a great age. Take lots of pictures so help them remember the trip.  
+49 votes
by (2.7k points)
I think it is perfect! We had so much fun with our 2 year old. She actually got it and continued to have her mind blown the whole trip.  
+39 votes
by (3.7k points)
Will she remember? Probably not. But you get memories like this? Absolutely!  
+49 votes
by (1.9k points)
We took my 2 year old last March, and she loved it. With photos and her big sister talking about it, she remembers quite a bit. Plus, they’re free until 3!  
+51 votes
by (1.5k points)
My sister and her husband took my nephew when he was newly 2 and he LOVED it. My brother in law said his son might not remember it but he will always remember his son with how happy and he excited he was go be there
+50 votes
by (1.9k points)
Also, this is how I feel about anyone saying they’re too young. if you have the means, go for it! Travel!  
by (6.8k points)
@korean yes! This makes me upset when people say they won’t remember. They may not remember the specifics, but it shapes who they are for getting the experiences. Also as moms we will remember and cherish the moments.  
+51 votes
by (2.6k points)
If your kid likes the stroller it will be fine. We are here joe and mine won’t ride in stroller. Takes an hour to walk a minute. Long days. Glad we came but ya
+56 votes
by (1.5k points)
My daughter got really scared in all of the rides ( they are kind of dark) she was 2 . For my boys I waited longer and they enjoyed everything!  
+55 votes
by (6.1k points)
While your child will enjoy it, unlikely they will remember. My son was almost 3. 5, he has no recollection (he’s 12 now). And I COMPLETELY agree with the above comments about stroller/walking. It would be next to impossible walking all day (and relatively miserable for you)
+56 votes
by (1.1k points)
I think it’s too young personally and she won’t remember
+48 votes
by (6.8k points)
I took my daughter at 2 to the magic kingdom. She had a fabulous time. They may not remember but there is a lot they won’t remember. You will though and it’s fun. I would only go for 1 day though and to magic kingdom. We stayed at a nice hotel and enjoyed the pool and relaxed the other days. We brought a comfy stroller so she could nap while we walked around and there are so many rides they can do. Going back for her fourth birthday and she is excited. (Grandma and grandpa live close by so it’s any easy trip for us)
+47 votes
by (1.6k points)
I went to Disney when I was 2 (with older siblings) and I have few memories of it, besides the memory of not being able to do any of the stuff my sisters got to do!  
+51 votes
by (2.2k points)
Too young to remember but they will LOVE it and you have the memories and pictures for them to look back on.  
by (1.3k points)
@azpurua , totally agree !  
by (2.2k points)
@pell Although I admit (and Dave will agree) that I just use the kids as an excuse to go to Disney because I love it there!  
+47 votes
by (2.5k points)
I went at 2 and 3 and every year after. I still remember the things when I was 3!  
+53 votes
by (960 points)
They definitely won’t remember details I went when I was 6 and again when I was 9 and I remember it so much better when I was 9! That being said I took my son at 4 and I don’t think he remembers details but he does talk about it a lot! I say if you think she’ll like it, go for it! ❤️ I’m sure you will have so much fun experiencing it with her!  
+49 votes
by (3.3k points)
My kids have gone every year since they were 9months.  she’s free, I say go
+39 votes
by (6.9k points)
No it’s not too young. They may not remember but you will. There are priceless memories to be made ❤️
+56 votes
by (860 points)
She won’t remember but you will remember her there. And she is free admission so.  
by (3.5k points)
@unfriended4565 agreed! You will have the beautiful memories of her there  
+45 votes
by (2.1k points)
I say go! Even if she doesn’t remember it later, the fun will be in the moment!  
by (2.1k points)
And nothing like watching your kids experience the magic of Disney!  
+53 votes
by (920 points)
We went with my two year old and my 7 month old, for my FIL BDAY, it was a lot of work but also a lot of fun!  
by (920 points)
Also highly recommend seaworld while you’re there, the Sesame Street parade was awesome and it’s so much less crowded than Disney
by (1.2k points)
@alleviative25 Palicke is the Sesame Street parade at Sea World?  
by (920 points)
@capreolate yes they have a whole Sesame Street area and my two year old loved it!  
+46 votes
by (5.2k points)
The first I went I was 5 and I barely remember anything  
+45 votes
by (1.1k points)
No! We took our 2 year old and he LOVED IT! We went in December and he still looks at the pictures and remembers it.  
+48 votes
by (9.9k points)
It is and it isn’t. I think it’s up to you. My oldest two didn’t go until they were 5 and 7. But their younger brother has gotten to go at 9months, and was there again at 1. 5yrs, and 2. 5 years. I think 9 mos and 1. 5 yrs was way too young, this was the first year he really enjoyed meeting characters and doing the rides. Plus-2 year olds are still FREE!  
+47 votes
by (1.7k points)
I think I took mine at 2. He doesn’t remember much but he had a blast and so did I.  
+50 votes
by (950 points)
We took our daughter at 2 and she loved it. It was magic and pics were amazing  
+36 votes
by (890 points)
YOU will remember the time with her. Make some memories!  
+54 votes
by (10.1k points)
Who cares if they remember? It's. not just a vacation for your 2 year old. And i can safely say that the 2 year. old that i nanny for will remember that he is there this week with his family. The kid knows all the names of the paw patrol, bubble guppies, power rangers, and transformers and you're gonna tell me he won't remember Disney? Negative. If a kid doesn't forget you said they could have a lollipop if they crapped in the pot, they ARE going to remember Disney. Why would you even say they wouldn't? That's dumb. They do remember. Go and have fun.  
by (1.8k points)
@providence exactly! And even if THEY don’t remember it, the joy and memories YOU will get just from seeing their faces in awe is truly something magical.  
+44 votes
by (890 points)
We took my daughter when she was just shy of 2 and doesn’t remember (she’s almost 6 1/2 now) but we still had a great time!  
+52 votes
by (2.3k points)
We took our twins at 2 1/2. They remember some thing, especially when we look at the photos. A couple of pluses to being under 3: free admission for her and if you get the meal package, you can share your meals with her and not have to include her. Have fun!  
+40 votes
by (890 points)
We took our granddaughter that was two and to this day she remembers it she brings it up all the time
+56 votes
by (1.5k points)
My then 3. 5 yo doesn’t remember but he loved it at the time lol
+55 votes
by (9.3k points)
No. Go. Have fun. Enjoy the memories!  
+38 votes
by (970 points)
Nope , I took my daughter at 15 months and she enjoyed it so much!  
+51 votes
by (420 points)
No, she won’t remember going, but go, anyway. She’ll have so much in the moment that it’ll all be worth it!  
by (420 points)
I remember, before having kids, thinking how stupid it was to bring little kids and babies to places like Disney World. until I had my first son. We took him to Florida to visit my dad and grandpa, and spent a couple days at Disney when he was 15 months old. He wasn’t even walking yet, but he loved it, and we loved watching him have fun in the moment.  
+28 votes
by (1k points)
Thank you everyone! ❤️
by (1.7k points)
Now go have some fun and make some memories ❤️
+45 votes
by (2.6k points)
Wont remember. but you will. I am sooo glad I took my daughter when she was 2. Everything was magical, and she had the best time, and I have wonderful memories. We took her again at 4, but she was more fun at 2! Dancing in the streets, parades. so fun.  
+14 votes
by (1.9k points)
I have a 2 and 5year old and have a rule before going to Disney. No diapers, no stroller and no naps. Once they have outgrown those stages I can not wait to go! I think it is fine however to take them at 2 but there is a lot more “stuff” to handle and depending on the time of year, sitting in a stroller in Florida heat can get pretty hot.  
+42 votes
by (1.5k points)
My two year old son had a blast!  
+14 votes
by (440 points)
We took our first to Disneyland at 2. She loved it and to this day still talks about it! Three weeks ago we took our two girls (now 5 and 2) and our two year old is still talking about it. They’ll remember. It’s a super awesome age (plus their free till 3) and I sobbed watching the excitement in my two year olds eyes. So worth it.  
+35 votes
by (6k points)
Not to be a Debbie Downer here but. We took our daughter to Disney, she turned 3 while we were on the trip. People told us it was a waste, she was too young, couldn't ride anything, she'd never remember, blah, blah, blah. OMG if you could have seen the way she LIT UP being there! We had no idea that our daughter would unexpectedly pass away less than 6 months later. I said all of that to say F what people say! MAKE THE MEMORIES while and when you can! This was truly the BEST DAY EVER  
by (2.1k points)
I am so sorry for your loss, so glad you have these memories to hold onto
+29 votes
by (13.3k points)
I personally have zero memories of being 2. scratch that before 7 really. Yikes! I look at pictures but that’s about it. Can you afford to go to Disneyworld? If you have to save up money for a trip, maybe wait to go on a trip until the kids can remember it. If you don’t have to save up money for a trip, then vacation often. That’s what I would say IMO. We don’t vacation but my kids have a great $$$$$ start to their college fund instead.  
+22 votes
by (620 points)
I went in third grade and barely remember
+53 votes
by (620 points)
Is this a joke?  
+12 votes
by (2.3k points)
Your 2 yo probably won't remember, but take lots of pics & make them into a memory book. They will enjoy looking at the pics and will trigger their memory.  
+7 votes
by (2.3k points)
My daughter doesn’t remember, she was two, but it is such a fun memory that I have taking her. Plus all the adorable pictures to look back on!  
+22 votes
by (14.6k points)
She won’t remember it but you will!  
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