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by (1.9k points)
Help!  My 4 yr old daughter’s breath is rank .Help! My 4 yr old daughter’s breath is rank . She brushes her teeth in the AM and I brush them at night (even her tongue). I’ve tried all sorts of mint toothpaste but she thinks it’s “spicy. ” I brush her teeth thoroughly with toothpaste and she uses kids (watermelon) mouthwash after. She eats an overall clean diet with a few treats/snack but nothing that would alarm me. I don’t know what else to do. But she’s always trying to hug me/lay with me/ whisper secrets/etc and I legit hold me breath. My recent break of stank was the 15 mins she got introduced to a thin mint cookie which I was first annoyed about but now scared I’ll be shoveling these expensive sugar mounds into her mouth for some relief! What am I missing?!  
Help!  My 4 yr old daughter’s breath is rank .

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