+1 vote
by (600 points)
So we are trying to pay off all debt this year except for my husbands truck and the house. That means 11, 000ish In one year. This should be doable. I’m also trying to save up a months worth of income, roughly 7, 000 this year so we can budget a month at a time instead of with every paycheck. This sinking fund is $76 a week. Should I keep trying for the 1 month of income or should I throw all extra money towards our debt and once it’s gone save up for being ahead 1month? The debt HAS to be gone by December. I already know my answer but wanted y’all’s opinion.  
So we are trying to pay off all debt this year except for my husbands truck and the house.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (200 points)
One thing at a time. If you try to chase 2 rabbits you wont catch either. Focus on your debt. Put everything you can onto that to get rid of it. Once you have that paid off you will have more cash flow to put towards saving a months income.  
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