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by (170 points)
HI I am new to starting this journey. My husband and I have about $25, 000 credit card debt some with reallyyyyy bad interest rates including high minimum payments. I am a stay at home mom and he works about 50-59 hours a week. We barely have enough to cover our high minimum payments. So I find it hard to put away and not use the credit cards for the things that I would or should have cash envelopes for. So I guess my question is, I have watched some YouTube videos on Miko and I have read all the emails and I started taking the appropriate steps she suggests but does anyone know if there is a youtube video regarding steps on how she got out of her 77, 000 debt? I feel like im having trouble beginning because my debt is too much to get out of. I cant have a cash envelope for miscellaneous if I cant even pay my credit cards. note:hubby is in the process of looking for a better paying job, and I am starting to look for some extra ways to bring in some cash as well. THANK YOU
HI I am new to starting this journey.

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