+22 votes
by (250 points)
Random q: in your own experience has a higher salary brought you more “happiness”/financial freedom? Or a job that maybe you made much less but you weren’t stressed? I’m 25. My salary is between 50-60k. In a bigger city I could easily make probably 20k more. kinda dealing with this “am I making enough/saving enough mentality”  
Random q: in your own experience has a higher salary brought you more “happiness”/financial free

18 Answers

+20 votes
by (970 points)
Best answer
There is a study that says anything over (I think 60k) doesn’t really make a difference in life-it amazingly gets absorbed into lifestyle. I think it is how you spend your money vs how much you make.  
by (950 points)
If that were my income I would literally be needing state assistance. I make six figures and don’t take it for granted at all. I feel dirt poor honestly. And I’m super frugal.  
by (450 points)
@synonymous734 because you're in california. I had to move because cost of living is so high.  
by (950 points)
I came here to promote because my last location wouldn’t and this will. I have no closed doors for my career now.  
by (950 points)
And promoting for me equals happier atmospheres (also money but idc about that, I’ve always had two jobs).  
by (780 points)
@synonymous734 I think in part it depends on where you live. Having 75k in Cali isn’t going to do much at all other than maybe cover actual basic living necessities . Having 75k in Indiana is a really good salary that would allow you to own a home, take vacations and have nice things.  
by (950 points)
Well I would be lying if I said I’m not planning to get my “high 3” in California before I retire at home in Missouri. Because my retirement is based off the high 3. But I am making a big sacrifice because I do choose to live very poorly here. And SoCal weather ain’t all that perfect.  
+17 votes
by (550 points)
I’m a lawyer. I took a 20k pay cut to work for a nonprofit. Went from hating every single moment of my day to day life to loving what I do. It’s absolutely worth it to me. I could easily go to another job and make way more money because my skill level allows me to be paid more. But my mental health is 1, 000 times more important.  
+10 votes
by (1.2k points)
Happiness is more important in my opinion
+14 votes
by (550 points)
In a bigger city you would definitely end up paying more though. The nurses where we live make 50-70$ and hour. But in the Bay Area they make 65-100$ average. BUTTTT if we moved out there we would be dead broke  
+14 votes
by (540 points)
I took a pay cut and feel my health has improved a lot. When the stress of going to work started messing with my health for me it wasn’t worth it and I’m a lot happier and feel less anxious. I’m definitely making it work
+13 votes
by (590 points)
I have found atmosphere is more important than money. No amount of money would have kept me at my old job. I make more now, but I like what I do and who I’m with more, too.  
+16 votes
by (950 points)
Happiness is more important for sure. But often times the environment (I. e. coworkers) can make or break your happiness. That higher salary job MIGHT be full of people you enjoy having on your team. Also I’m in the medical field so teamwork is huge. Other careers maybe not so much!  
+13 votes
by (550 points)
I was just listening to Robert kiyosakas book. increase your finacial Iq here it is for free on YouTube. It might be helpful to answer your question. I feel like it pertains to  
+17 votes
by (570 points)
Money does not buy happiness! I went from married to divorced mom of two, making 6 figures to paying our bills broke. I was miserable in my marriage and my job. I have been divorced since 2011 and absolutely love my job even though I make enough to pay bills and not much else. Weigh the pros and cons. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. I was working 60-80 hours a week, on call 2-3 days a week overnight, working remotely even on days off/sick days and my boss expected me to be at her beck and call 24/7.  
+19 votes
by (840 points)
Depends on demands and personal life i think. if I wasnt married I would probably try to make as much as I could before wanting the time and energy for my personal life. I did when I was younger and married. But I will say I stopped the 100k year job when it started causing serious issues at home. stress, lack of time for home, etc. it gets to be too much eventually. Also, we found that with us both working we were making 170k a year and were spending like crazy on all kinds of stuff, eating out, gas and just random stuff so we were always broke anyways. Now we dropped to just his 75k a year and are happier then we ever were then, I have time to put into budgeting now, I cook and just 1 vehicle and gas for his job. And for the first time in over 20 years we arent on our way to bankruptcy (of which we have had 3! ). And have a hefty 401k and working or a savings
0 votes
by (450 points)
I left a “good” job and pursued something I was passionate about and I make way more money, work less hours and have way more fun. For me it paid off big time to listen to my heart and go for it full force. But it sounds like you’re making good money. What do you want to do? Big city? Stay where you are?  
+12 votes
by (700 points)
I'm happier now at 22, 000 than I was at 40, 000. And since finding TBM, I seem to feel like I have more money as well.  
+18 votes
by (780 points)
I received a 39% raise going from my prior job (30k) to my current job. (42k) I would GLADLY go back to my old pay before I ever thought about ever going Back to the job. When I turned in my notice they actually offered me 47k to stay. which I declined without even considering. My current job is an upgrade not only in pay, but in benefits, in stress levels, treatment of employees, communication, and atmosphere in general. I’d never willingly give up a good job just to get a little more money. The unknown atmosphere may pay more, but could be an absolute toxic environment.  
+11 votes
by (480 points)
IMO, money doesn’t make you happy, but it sure does help take the stress off of a single momma!  
+18 votes
by (560 points)
Personally I feel the more you make the more you spend lol. there was a time my husband made 65k and me 20k part time and we had no consumer debt except cars. And our life was a little more simpler. Now he’s making double that, but expenses are more. For instance he spends more on his clothes for work, his shoes, dry cleaning, constant hair cuts, he’s a manager so he often buys for the people who are under him. He has Manager dinners, a managers club he needs to put into . For us though it wasn’t stress. He was working a job that required hard labor, now he’s a manger and does no labor lol it’s just mental. So when he compares the two, he’d rather much be doing what he does now making the money he makes. But i do feel it’s how you live. We do tend to go overboard and buy crap just cause we can. Which is what we are fixing now lol ‍♀️
+9 votes
by (620 points)
Yes it did but it wasn’t worth it.  
+11 votes
by (940 points)
Brought more stress and less time with my kids. They were more important than the extra money. They're only kids once
+15 votes
by (590 points)
I’m in my early 30s, have experience working in the city and have struggled to get paid over $50k. I found a job I love that paid what I wanted and got laid off after a year and some odd months. So, no, it isn’t always worth it. But you never know unless you try.  
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