+48 votes
by (350 points)
What do you ladies suggest to help increase breast milk supply? Im nursing every 2-3 hours, I’m eating well balanced diet, drinking over 130 of water in a day (like 8 bottles of water), still taking my vitamins, and trying my best to rest when I can and pump any extra I may have once I know he is full but still seems like I’m barely making enough for him. Any advice?  
What do you ladies suggest to help increase breast milk supply?

43 Answers

+17 votes
by (7.6k points)
Best answer
Is there a reason you think he isn't getting enough? Weight gain / enough wet/dirty diapers are a good indication of how you're doing -pumping is not a great indicator. Some people just never pump a lot. It's hard in the beginning to trust that you are making enough. Eating well, lots of water (or gatorade / body armor drinks) and nursing on demand will keep your supply up. Have you reached out to your ped or lactation consultant to maybe do a weighted feed?  
by (3.5k points)
Second all of this! Baby is the best for getting milk out.  
by (1.7k points)
I was going to ask the same! As long as baby has wet diapers and is growing, you are producing enough! I nursed my girls for 14 and 15 months, but could never pump more than a couple of ounces. ‍♀️
+6 votes
by (460 points)
Fenugreek is known to increase supply, I had it while nursing. Good luck!  
by (670 points)
@writing24709 For some women it increases, but in a lot of women it can diminish milk supply
+3 votes
by (2k points)
Nursing cookies? There is a recipe on pinterest.  
+14 votes
by (2.8k points)
I had this problem when my daughter was like 6 months . My doctor put me on Reglan for like 3 days and I started pumping double of what I was. I was able to continue breastfeeding to 13 months after this.  
+21 votes
by (2.1k points)
How old is baby and how much are you pumping? If baby seems satisfied and is peeing and pooping he’s getting enough. You could try some power pumping sessions if you truly believe your supply is low. If you’re trying to build a stash try pumping after every feeding now matter how little you get out and make sure you aren’t skipping middle of the night pumps, you make the most during the middle of the night.  
+18 votes
by (680 points)
I second the fenugreek supplements. It helped me in past.  
0 votes
by (510 points)
Fenugreek made me smell like maple syrup! Lol I used Legendairy Milk supplements and they helped with no side effects. I ordered pump princess and liquid gold to help with my supply.  
+2 votes
by (2.5k points)
It has all the herbs that help produce milk supply I was drinking it and it helps. I have a few boxes you can have them. I’m still nursing however my baby is now 10 months and I don’t need a big supply anymore.  
0 votes
by (2.1k points)
Drink a beer then pump- sounds crazy but helps Lots of leafy greens Salmon Oatmeal Power pump  Fenugreek has the opposite effect on some people so just beware of that. Also, Try reaching out to Joliet Breastfeeding Support
0 votes
by (930 points)
Those worked wonders for me when my supply was low, I always got them at target The fenugreek tea others recommend tastes very bad and it gave my whole body a weird smell very strong I couldn’t take it
+17 votes
by (670 points)
The only thing thats been proven to increase supply is pumping and nursing often along with staying hydrated. If baby is having enough wet diapers and gaining weight, don’t worry ❤️
by (1.3k points)
I agree with this after feeding pump and extra 5-10 minutes eat side
+2 votes
by (670 points)
Also fenugreek supplement can sometimes increase your supply, however some women lose their supply from it. Steer clear from it to be on the safe side.  
+18 votes
by (1.4k points)
+5 votes
by (1.6k points)
Beer helps. I used to sit and drink beer while I pumped.  
+25 votes
by (630 points)
I used Motherlove More Milk Plus
+26 votes
by (5.4k points)
There is a pink drink at Starbucks and my daughter swears it increases her production. it has coconut in it and she really thinks coconut water helps. Also she makes breast milk cookies that she says help. If your interested I can get the recipe
+9 votes
by (4.1k points)
Oatmeal and on demand nursing. Mothers milk tea works for me too, so I drink that.  
+14 votes
by (12.1k points)
Fenugreek. and keep stress down
+23 votes
by (560 points)
Michelle Kasencak any insight?  
+12 votes
by (1.2k points)
Drink a beer!  
+13 votes
by (1.7k points)
I eat a lot of oatmeal, I produce a lot of milk, baby is only 3 weeks old
0 votes
by (4.1k points)
Pink Drink at Starbucks and Body Armor drink!  
+9 votes
by (770 points)
How old is he? Why do you think he’s not getting enough? Milk removal dictates supply.  
+26 votes
by (610 points)
Oatmeal and bananas!  
+4 votes
by (440 points)
Chloe Schultz
+28 votes
by (1.7k points)
I'm not joking, I drank a little beer at like 5 am once and it worked
+17 votes
by (880 points)
Fenugreek, oatmeal every morning, mother’s milk tea 3x and relax while nursing! Good luck mama the baby will let you know if he or she is hungry lol
+30 votes
by (1.8k points)
How do you know you’re not making enough? If he’s gaining weight and his doctor hasn’t indicated that you need to supplement, chances are that you’re making enough. For me, fenugreek 3x a day worked overnight. Also, pump between nursing sessions. The more you feed, the more you make, it’s all about demand and supply. I also tried some lactation cookies and they tasted great but sure if they worked  
+5 votes
by (780 points)
I nannied for a Mom who that problem. I showed her this and she tried it. She said it worked. It’s worth a shot! Good luck!  
+9 votes
by (3.3k points)
I used Bessie's Best lactation bars to help me boost my supply when needed. Bessie's Best: Lactation Cookies
+36 votes
by (450 points)
Oatmeal (not instant) and mother’s milk tea help increase supply. But why do you think you are not making enough?  
+13 votes
by (860 points)
Body armor
+39 votes
by (2.9k points)
I never made enough either. It’s ok to supplement with formula. Don’t stress!  
+12 votes
by (990 points)
Oatmeal every morning and lots of water
+30 votes
by (1.2k points)
Yep, fenugreek. It’s an active ingredient in mothers milk tea and I am not a tea drinker so I just took the capsules.  
+33 votes
by (2.6k points)
Consider a pre- and post-feed weigh in at the ped’s office for peace of mind? I sadly did everything and just did not produce enough milk. This exercise was very helpful to transition to the next step.  
+16 votes
by (690 points)
I have Oatmeal for breakfast and drink lots of water. I also drink things with coconut milk/water in them like the Starbucks Pink Drink or Body Armor.  
+43 votes
by (370 points)
Have a Guinness! Nightly for a few nights. Seriously.  
+16 votes
by (380 points)
Mother’s milk tea is incredible!  
+35 votes
by (930 points)
Make sure you research and look up suggestions. mothers milk works differently on people & has different side effects on babies. I tried using this with my little and she screamed & cried bad! As soon as I stopped taking it & just pumping & feeding she was calm, quiet & not having those screaming like in pain spells anymore. so some advice to look into or talk to your doctor about what’s best to use or talk with a lactation consultant.  
+24 votes
by (800 points)
My youngest was breast fed exclusively and I could barely pump a few ounces. She grew and thrived. Feed him when he's hungry as long as he's growing, wetting diapers and having BM's. If the Dr isn't concerned, and your baby is happy trust your mom insincts
+9 votes
by (350 points)
I tried everything for my first and I just never made enough. It’s ok to supplement if needed. With my second, I made plenty but not enough calories, so still had to supplemented. Sometimes it’s just not in the cards.  
+3 votes
by (1.8k points)
Oatmeal and Gatorade. Also pump before nursing. Baby will get more out and will tell ur body to produce more. I hope this helps.  
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