+6 votes
by (1.2k points)
Where are walking paths that aren’t full of dogs? (Like settlers park) I want to walk my dogs on this path, but one does better with not many dogs around. wondering if there are more hidden places I guess ‍♀️
Where are walking paths that aren’t full of dogs?

4 Answers

+7 votes
by (2k points)
Best answer
I have a reactive beagle. I have found that the time of day matters. If we go early there are less dogs than if you go in the afternoon. We go before 10 am and there are hardly no dogs out on the paths
by (2k points)
@alternation7492 we do. It infuriates me when there are dogs off leash. There are leash laws. I am a vocal b**ch and will yell my dog is not friendly leash your dog. I also carry pepper spray. My 20 pound beagle is reactive but no match against a large dog that isn't leashed. We go early to Settlers park usually around 8-9 am and there is hardly anyone out. Everyone is out there in the afternoon
by (2k points)
@alternation7492 people are so dumb. I am thr person that walks the other way when I see any dog because she is so reactive. But my dog is leashed and I have control on her. People dont get that not all dogs want to meet your dog and that's okay. Unfortunately there are idiot people out there.  
+7 votes
by (1.3k points)
I like Turtle Lake off of Lockport st in Plainfield. There are usually always people walking out there but not a whole lot of dogs, at least when I go.  
by (1.3k points)
@alternation7492 I totally understand. We have 2 German Shepherds and people literally cross the street or even pick up their small dogs when we walk passed them . When you walk down to the path I usually go left instead of right. It’s less people and dog traffic that go that way, at least in my opinion. If you find any hidden gems let me know please  
by (3.8k points)
@alternation7492 Ha! I have a Pittie mix and people will turn around or cross the street ‍♀️
+2 votes
by (6.8k points)
I live in Streams of Plainfield and we have a trail that is behind my house. There is hardly ever anyone on it.  
+6 votes
by (1.1k points)
While I do not have a dog, nor pay much attention when there are dogs on paths, I use the AllTrails app. It lets you look at all trails near your area, let’s you know which ones are super dog friendly, what kinds of hills, paths, etc there are. Not sure if that’s what you’re looking for, but many people will leave comments advising their opinion on dogs and their owners at those particular trails.  
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