+4 votes
by (220 points)
Hey, guys!  Can someone help me out here?Hey, guys! Can someone help me out here? I'm not sure how I should approach low search volume keywords. For example, I was doing keyword research for a certain landing page, and almost all of the keywords related to it has 0-10 search volume. 2 things I'm trying to figure out: -Is this LP even worth it if its keywords are low search volume? -Should I go on, add these keywords, along with a few that have medium search volume, in Google Ads to do PPC advertising? Thanks!  
Hey, guys!  Can someone help me out here?

3 Answers

+4 votes
by (14.2k points)
Best answer
There is no universal answer to this. It depends on the situation. If I was selling something that sold for $1, I wouldn't bother with such keywords. On the other hand, I have a client that sells products that each sell for $50-75, 000. For them, some of their biggest moneymakers are keywords that only bring a few visitors per month.  
by (220 points)
Hey, Mike! What was your approach? I mean, you conducted keyword research and added some promising terms, and then you guessed some low/non-existing search volume keywords and they paid off?  
by (14.2k points)
@millda With most clients, my approach is that we go after every keyword that a potential customer or client might use to find the client or buy something they are selling. Anything we are unsure about, we usually run AdWords for a few weeks or longer to collect data.  
by (220 points)
Right! Every keyword regardless of search volume. Then check out performance and optimize. Thanks, Mike!  
+4 votes
by (490 points)
Depends on niche info also. For new niches, keywords will show low volumes while nomenclature is being established.  
+3 votes
by (1.9k points)
It seems like something a PPC campaign could answer. But if that isn't possible due to niche, it could be worth it if: E*4*X*A is > 2*Yearly SEO Campaign Cost Where E is estimated clicks, X is Conversion rate and A is Average sale amount. Reason for 4 is first place get's about 1/3 the clicks, and then we multiply by 12 for yearly. Reason for 2x is to justify risk.  
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