+4 votes
by (500 points)
Just purchased a new projector for the living room after my cheap one i used to see if i was interested died. I bought an epson 1060. Now im wondering since it has wifi and i assume CEC, is there a way to create a routine in alexa or through IFTT that alexa can call on to turn the projector on and xbox on? Im stoll mounting the projector but i would like it to go to the default/occupied hdmi input . just looking for advice ideas while im mounting and setting everything up. I tested a amazon plug but it just allows power to reach the projector.  
Just purchased a new projector for the living room after my cheap one i used to see if i was interes

2 Answers

0 votes
by (4.5k points)
I have an Epson projector but older (TW-6100w) but it doesn't have WiFi or IP. Initially I was using itach flex to rs232 to control it using an old software called roomie remote and it worked perfectly but then I switched to home-assistant but was unable to make the itach work there, so now I use a broadlink RM3 mini. Initially I was sceptical about using IR as I really wanted the 2 way feedback but to be honest it's been perfect and hasn't skipped a beat. It to this day has outperformed the serial control that I had previously. I use node-red to capture the IR codes from the remote and to re-broadcast. Just an alternative thought if you can't get IP to work.  
0 votes
by (210 points)
I use a harmony elite remote control which controls my non Wifi projector/screen/tv/amplifier/cable and surround led lights. all through Alexa. Highly recommended
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