+4 votes
by (390 points)
Questions.  I am planning on using the UDM and a unifi 24 port POE switch.Questions. I am planning on using the UDM and a unifi 24 port POE switch. I am doing a new build and have cat6 running to every room in the house all coming down to the basement where I will have my network cabinet. Can I keep the Hubitat hub down there? Does it just connect to the switch? Also for those running Hubitat- is there functionality for ring or eufy? want to do a video flood and video doorbell. Thanks
Questions.  I am planning on using the UDM and a unifi 24 port POE switch.

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (840 points)
Yes you can. Hub can be patched directly into the switch.  
0 votes
by (4.8k points)
There's no official support for either Eufy or Ring, but there are a variety of community options for Ring (a custom integration app, using a virtual device with IFTTT or Alexa, or HubConnect through SmartThings are three I'm aware of). I'm not sure about Eufy, but if you can do what you want with IFTTT or similar, Hubitat also has a channel there and could probably make something work.  
+3 votes
by (17.1k points)
Hubitat has radios in it - it will always be beneficial to have those radios most centrally located in relation to devices you connect.  
+3 votes
by (6.1k points)
As long as you have enough of a mesh network throughout the house the Hubitat can be placed anywhere. Each of your ZWave things acts as an antenna to create a robust network. My Hubitat is also going downstairs but the house will have 35 zwave switches, 5 glass break detectors, and around 12-15 other random sensors. That amount of radios create a robust connected network. The fewer items you have though and the further away the first one is can create an issue
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