+9 votes
by (210 points)
My husband has taken care of ALL the finances through our entire marriage. I have just started to take them over as I am beyond sick at the amount of debt we are in. I want so bad to start the envelope method but am scared I’ll screw it up. He thinks I’m being over zealous with my goal to be debt free so this journey may prove to be a challenge. How did you finally make the jump? Tips on how to do this when the other isn’t completely onboard? Thank you for all your stories you share. You are all an inspiration
My husband has taken care of ALL the finances through our entire marriage.

7 Answers

0 votes
by (150 points)
I feel like being debt free is over zealous, doubt after years of debt is normal. But it’s still with trying! One way or another, I’ll be better off. I’m sure your husband will agree with that too!  
0 votes
by (800 points)
The journey will be a challenge for sure, but it’s also such a blessing! It has given so much more peace to my mind and hope for our future. You go for it and find what works for your family, and you’ll be unstoppable! Also, take that overzealous comment as a compliment and run with it! You got this!  
0 votes
by (1.4k points)
You don’t have to do the envelopes at all (or not until you are further/more comfortable in your journey) Maybe just start the envelopes for sinking funds to begin with. If you see a problematic spending area, try the envelopes for that to avoid swiping the debit or credit card.  He would get on board and more invested once you are able to show him things like debt being paid off or recognizing problem spending area! Hang in there
0 votes
by (150 points)
@wakerly! Hi! Miss your face! I don’t do cash envelopes, I still use my debit card for everything and then keep track on index cards at home so I stick to the budget. I can send pics when I get home
0 votes
by (200 points)
Being nervous for something new is normal. My advice would be to be kind in how you speak about your money past (bc your husband was doing his best and you let him ) and focus on the future. You guys have totally got this! Involve him in your decisions and maybe it won't feel so daunting to focus on 2 things at a time. Try tracking your spending and working on one doable debt for a month or two and hopefully you'll both be more optimistic and excited!  
0 votes
by (170 points)
To be honest, for us it took losing half of our income to debt payments for us to finally get it together. One of my tips is to find what works best for your family. I personally could not do all of the sinking funds or cash envelopes. I currently have 2: work and gas and only have two sinking funds for myself: moving and savings challenge. I have a car sinking fund that I fill with my husband that is not a priority but good to add a bit when possible.  
0 votes
by (510 points)
Honestly . Just do it ! Watch all her videos . I learned everything from her igtv videos.  
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