+5 votes
by (230 points)
Hi everyone I am a single mum from Australia and want to take my children on a family holiday any recommendations?  
Hi everyone I am a single mum from Australia and want to take my children on a family holiday any re

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (520 points)
Best answer
It would depend on how much money you want to spend, and how far you would want to travel.  
+2 votes
by (210 points)
Perth ? Bali , Thailand , , Europe . West coast America. all depends on your budget and how far you want to travel
by (210 points)
@yong5 as your in Queensland your closets options are are LA or Thailand . LA ye could do all the theme parks etc once in a life time holiday plus ye can fly there direct . Wouldn’t really consider Thailand as a family holiday as it’s much the same as Bali . Europe would be a nightmare bringing the kids on such a long travel . better doing it as a couple as ye would want to go to a couple of different countries .  
by (110 points)
@yong5 im from the UK but ive taken my children to Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, LA, Las Vegas, New York, Turkey, Spain, The Canaries, France, probably some others that Ive forgotten. Never really felt unsafe anywhere. The safest I felt and most wonderful place for the childrwn has to be Thailand so that would be my recommendation
by (110 points)
@yong5 the Thai people adore children and are very very helpful. It is the land of smiles afterall.  
+1 vote
by (1.9k points)
Some beautiful places in Europe Greece Cyprus Croatia Montenegro Portugal also I love America just all depends what your looking for as a holiday in the states what ever you choose have a great time x
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