+6 votes
by (430 points)
Looking to go on holiday to Nissi beach/Aiya Napa next year, found a hotel we want to stay at but just wondering is there’s anything to do around that area apart from drinking and beaches? Thanks
Looking to go on holiday to Nissi beach/Aiya Napa next year, found a hotel we want to stay at but ju

5 Answers

+4 votes
by (580 points)
Best answer
We for married in aiya napa and us and family found lots to do, we went on a Jeep tour. Family did a pirate ship day, the hotel we stayed at had lots to do as well. There’s shopping near by. It was sometime ago now so hard to remember what everyone did. X
by (430 points)
@cymograph what hotel did you stay at if you don’t mind me asking x
by (580 points)
Olympic lagoon. X
by (430 points)
@cymograph that’s where we are wanting to stay! X
by (580 points)
@jagged it’s a wonderful place, join their Facebook page and you can see lots going on, I have to say a lot of it is about their weddings but you might pick up some info. X
+3 votes
by (240 points)
My friend got married out there 2 years ago it’s such a beautiful place!  
+3 votes
by (960 points)
We stayed in Protaras really nice quieter area and lovely beach! You can get a bus easily to aiya napa xx
+6 votes
by (290 points)
There's an amazing waterpark at Napa
+5 votes
by (610 points)
Stayed at the nissi beach resort couple years ago. we done a couple of trips with rep. the beach is beautiful there and just at the end of road we took the bus to aiya napa and protarus a couple of times. water park close by also
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