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by (4.4k points)
I have been life time for nearly 30 years so that puts me in the vintage age group. I have always had success with WW. But now I find myself 15 pounds heavier due to a little too much red wine, olives, and a little bit of this and that over several years. I am back doing the green plan and have lost 5 pounds but weight loss has slowed to a snail crawl. The biggest difference now is I do a lot of high intensity work outs at Orange Theory and I am earning a ton of fit points. I have always been too afraid to use weekly points but some days I am just so hungry. I am thinking about using some weekly points on extra protein but I am afraid too. Weight loss is harder when you are a post menopausal women. Anyone in the senior age group have success using some weeklies. I am ok with not dropping weight fast but I sure would like to break this Plateau. 
I have been life time for nearly 30 years so that puts me in the vintage age group.

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