+9 votes
by (240 points)
How do I figure out what color group I would be?  
How do I figure out what color group I would be?

3 Answers

+8 votes
by (1.9k points)
Best answer
You find the one that best fits your lifestyle. Most people go by the one that gives them the best selection of "free foods" for their taste and lifestyle.  
by (1.9k points)
Fir instance if you are not a potato lover, you probably wont care if potatoes are not on the "free" list.  
by (1.9k points)
@stalingrad Sorry, I worded it incorrectly. I should have said zero points foods.  
+9 votes
by (17k points)
Google WW Smart Points Freestyle color plans
by (17k points)
@dextrad I am doing it on my iPad or iPhone, and put it in just that way, exactly  
+9 votes
by (11.5k points)
When you join it ask you a series of questions to determine what color plan you should do.  
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